Part 10 (1): Change

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Tw: mention of bullying, greed, gender dysphoria
That should be it!

A normal afternoon Kate was walking around and spotted Ethan. He had changed alot since he lost his memories of what he fears.

He started bullying the children telling them mean things, trying to make them afraid and so on. When Kate saw him he was currently eating the candy he had stolen from another child. She walked over to him. "Hey Ethan, that isn't your candy now, is it? Why did you steal it?" She asked calmly.

"Because I'm stronger and they should see that. I want to be feared by them." The five year old replied. This made Kate worried. Having such thoughts as a five year old couldn't possibly be good. She stroked his hair. "Don't you wanna make friends? You seem lonely." She asked. "I don't like the other children anyways. I don't need friends. Now fuck off." He said and pushed Kates arm away. She was clearly upset at that. "We don't use that language here, young man." Kate scolded him.

"Aren't you tired of acting like everyone's mother?" Ethan asked and walked away leaving Kate speechless. He was right somehow though. She did want to be as carefree as some if the children but if not her, who's going to take care of them and make sure they can keep being carefree?

Rachel had witnessed this and went to tell Desmond. "Hey Des, Ethan seems like he would fit in here perfectly. After all he's just as scary as you can be and he wants to be feared. "Interesting. I should talk to him when he's the most gullible. Rachel, monitor him and tell me whenever the time seems right to make him join!" Desmond ordered. Rachel nodded and went outside again to watch Ethan. Desmond grinned. His evil group was going great.

In the orphanage, Jacky was sitting on her bed. She looked at the new school uniform they would soon be wearing as soon school would start for them. Something felt off about it but Jacky couldn't tell what it was. "What's wrong with me? Why can't I be like every other girl here? Why do they feel comfortable in their clothing and I don't..." She looked over at the door and spotted Desmond standing in it.

"Can I come in? Kate borrowed my ballpoint pen and I wanted to get it back." Desmond asked. Jacky just nodded trying to hide her emotional distress. Desmond took his ballpoint pen and sat down beside her. "What about your clothing feels wrong? Do you have an allergy?" He asked tilting his head. Jacky shook her head. "Whenever I look at my body and the clothing I wear I feel uncomfortable. I don't know why that is." Desmond looked at her understanding. "Is it your features in a way?" He asked. "Yeah. I think it's because I'd rather wanna look like someone like you or William..." "So you wanna be a boy?" Desmond asked looking curious.

"A boy?... But I'm a girl... I don't think I could possibly be a boy. I'm way too anxious and not brave enough." Jacky said and hugged her legs. "A boy doesn't have to have the anatomy of one. He doesn't have to be brave and strong. He just has to feel comfortable as who he is." Desmond said and stood up. "If you want I can get you the uniform for boys. I'll leave you with that decision for now. Tell me what you think later." He said and left the room leaving Jacky alone with her thoughts.

Was she really a boy? It definitely did feel way more right than being called a she. Jacky stood up and ran to Desmond. "Jacob! I'm Jacob, not Jacky. Thank you." Jacob said and hugged Desmond gratefully. Desmond got uncomfortable not liking that kind of close affection but he knew that Jacob needed it and so he went along with it.

The same day Desmond held his promise and made sure to get Jacob the boys uniform and also lend him some of his own clothes. Jacob began wearing his hair up in a bun and also decided to tell the others about his decision. They all were a little confused about the whole identity thing but Desmond managed to explain it to them so they all were able to understand Jacob's feelings and support him by liking him unconditionally.

It was a sight to behold. It was the first time ever Lydia saw Desmond care about someone. There was something about Jacob that made Desmond act very differently than usual, even his intentions being genuine. Lydia couldn't tell what it was but something had to be going on. After all what reasons would Desmond, future leader of the greatest evil group (atleast that was what they hoped), to be kind to a good child at the orphanage?

Only 1 more chapter part and 1 more bonus chapter to go before the school arc!
Norman out!

The Dark Heirs Volume 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant