Part 6 (1): Have our sacrifice

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Tw: religious themes/cult (not meant to mock any religion. This is simply a cult I made up), forced digesting of blood, kidnapping, mention of injections

"We ran out of groceries." Kate said in their daily evening meeting. She looked over to Viktoria who was biting into their last apple.
"Viktoria, you're going to buy groceries tomorrow." Viktoria almost fell out of her chair. "Why me?"
"You ate the last apple so it's just fair that you get new groceries." Kate was serious and angry and Viktoria feared her in that mood so she agreed to calm her down. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Who shall come with you?" Erika asked knowing that she shouldn't go to those humans all on her own.
"No one. I can take care of myself don't worry."
"But Vik, it can be dangerous! You know the humans go crazy sometimes!" The worry that was building up in Erika brought her near tears but she tried to hold it.
"Like already said I can take care of myself perfectly fine, trust me!" Viktoria replied with a cheeky smile.
They started to realize that they can't change her mind.
"Then go alone. But be careful. We can't afford to lose you." Kate warned her.

So when the morning came Viktoria prepared herself to go to the town alone. She dressed appropriately and took a basket with her for the groceries. She gave Kate a hug and went on her way.

The city was pretty as always. But the people? They stared at her weirdly. She didn't even notice why. She went into the grocery store that they always went to, but something looked really different. The building had a different color and the everything in the store was ordered differently. Maybe they just renovated, Viktoria thought.

She went inside and started searching for the things she was buying to realize her little basket will never be able to fit all she was buying in.
On her list were:
5 big bags of potatos,
10 different kinds of noodles,
25 toothpastes (only the ones that don't grate the teeth so much),
20 packs of rice,
30 different kinds of sauce, ingredients,
50 apples, 30 oranges and 5 lemons,
And so on...

She was the person with the most things that she was going to buy in the store. Well, of course she was. She was alone there after all. Not a single soul was there. She couldn't even see a cashier. She brushed it off thinking the cashier was probably only in the backrooms of the store.

She went to pay for the groceries and rung the bell a few times. No one came so she just waited a few minutes. Suddenly a weird dressed man went behind the counter and stared at her in a weird way. Viktoria was used to people looking at them like that but something about that man was different.

"Where do you come from, sweetie?" The man asked. His choice of words disgusted Viktoria. "From an orphanage near the town" She explained akwardly. "Oh? So no one would miss you if you went missing?"
This creeped her out. She felt the need to run but she needed to buy the groceries. She stepped back slightly anyways.

"Oh you're not going anywhere, sweetie. You know, we don't see an angel everyday. So we can't let her go. I hope you understand." He said with a weird smile and suddenly she was injected with something and passed out. The last thing she had heard is two other man picking her up.

She woke up to find herself chained to an altar in a weird looking place. She tried to break free but couldn't. She realized she maybe should've hidden her angel appearance. She was scared to death. What if the people would torture her?

The weird looking man soon returned with a tray of good looking food. "Is that for me?" Viktoria asked just being desperate for food as she felt like she was starving. "Sure but before you do that we want you to digest a bit of our blood. We want to sacrifice us to you. So to get food, you first need to digest our blood."

Then she realized what was happening. She was caught by a crazy looking cult which is about self sacrifice. She wanted to decline so bad, not wanting to drink their blood but she would probably not get out for a while and she didn't want to starve in that while so she reluctantly agreed.

They poured some of their blood inside her mouth and held it closed, forcing her to swallow. It tasted metallic. She hated the taste but luckily she really got the food after that and it didn't even seem drugged.

This continued the whole day for every meal. She was beginning to grow hopeless. Was this her end? Being forced to drink blood all the time?

She hoped her friends would come soon.

I wrote this inside a car again lol.
Nathaniel out!

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