Part 8 (1): Tears

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Tw: jealousy, venting (from a character), mention of someone suppressing sad feelings in order not to be a burden, a lonely birthday, mention of someone missing someone, mentioning of someone wishing someone was dead, yelling, acid tears-

That should be it:,)

It was Kate's birthday. She was the first one to turn 8. Though her birthday was not as happy for her as usually. Her favourite people weren't there. Neither Nanako nor Viktoria. Unfortunately especially today was the day Viktoria needed to go to the city hall with her new father to officially become his daughter on the important documents. Kate was feeling obviously upset about that.She didn't even finish her cake that Erika and William baked for her. Though it could also be because the cake was burned a bit because William never baked before.

Besides, Kate couldn't get herself distracted. A new orphan was arriving at the orphanage today. The reason as to why were unknown to her, but she wanted to make this a good first day for the new child. She waited at the gate. The bus came and a 5 year old boy stepped out. He looked rather serious and seemed to be wearing his best shirt.

"Good day, young woman." He greeted her in a slight British accent. Kate was impressed with his language skills with the fact that he was only 5 years old. "Hello. I'm Kate. I'm going to be the one mostly taking care of you since our caretakers are... Rather neglecting." The young boy just gave a simple nod to that and handed Kate his suitcase.

"Excuse me, I'm not your servant." Kate felt offended. The boy blushed slightly in embarrassment and took the suitcase back. "I'm.. I'm so sorry... I was used to that at home. I didn't mean to affect you..." He spoke and suddenly didn't seem as formal and serious anymore. Rather nervous and embarrassed. Kate just told him that it's okay and brought him inside. The boy introduced himself as Michael.

After a bit more of introduction everyone went about their day as Kate told them to not make it a special day for her. If the people she valued the most don't come than it's not important if her birthday is celebrated or not.

Michael snuck around the orphanage, exploring every single quarter of it. He eventually found the basement and after a bit more of searching even Desmond's secret lab. He was amazed at all the science equipments. Suddenly the lights turned on and Desmond stood behind him looking pissed off.

"Who zum Teufel are you and why are you sneaking around my lab." Michael could only laugh at Desmond's heavy german accent. "Your german accent is hilarious. I was just interested in all the science equipments that you seem to be owning down here. What are you hiding?" Michael spoke together with his noble and formal body language again.

"Oh, you like science?" Desmond asked him intrigued. "Oh yes, I love science. My father was a great scientist!" Michael exclaimed happily. "Oh well, in that case we could perhaps become good friends." Desmond grinned. "But I must ask you not to sneak around down here anymore without my permission and to keep this a secret from the others." Desmond demanded. Michael's expression softened and he smiled. "Sure, but in return you let me experiment here too!" He suggested teasingly. Desmond nodded. "That's a deal then. It was lovely meeting you, Desmond." Michael spoke before leaving. He left Desmond thinking if he would be a worthy candidate for his group. he would have to think about that first though.

On the other side of the orphanage, Kate was sitting on a bench. She was feeling conflicted but could not let that be shown. Who knows what the others would think if she was struggling too. She is supposed to be the one comforting not the one getting comforted. She started crying because she couldn't keep it inside anymore.

A few meter away, hidden behind a tree watching Kate was Rachel. She cared alot about Kate. After all she was the one getting jealous at Viktoria. But right now there was no trace of Viktoria. Maybe Rachel should use that opportunity to get closer to Kate. She went up to her.

"Kate, you're crying... What's wrong?.." Rachel asked concerned. Kate quickly tried to hide her tears. After all, no one was supposed to see her cry. But at this moment she couldn't hold it anymore. She hugged Rachel tightly and just cried into her shoulder while sometimes saying sorry through her heavy sobs.

Rachel wasn't complaining. She felt good being so close to her, comforting her. At this point she felt good. Almost delighted. Her jealousy was completely gone for a second and regretted her decisions in joining Desmond. Though shortly after, her jealousy was reawakened.

"I just miss them so much. I always spend my birthdays with Viktoria since I've known her and the first time I can't celebrate with her, I feel so horrible. It just hurts. Not even Nanako's here to comfort me. I just wish they were here, you know." Kate told Rachel. A rage was building up inside her. On the only day Viktoria wasn't visiting, she was the last thing Rachel wanted to hear about. She tried to keep her cool to not say anything mean about her infront of Kate. "Yeah, don't worry. She will probably be there next year."

"Rachel are you okay? I could have sworn the things on your cheeks have grown. I must've seen things. By the way why do Desmond, Lydia and you have those on your cheeks?" Kate asked. Rachel was shocked. The stripes were able to grow larger when more jealousy was felt? That was concerning.

"I'm fine. It's just some thing we drew on our cheeks for fun haha..."

She then ran away quickly saying goodbye to Kate and hid herself in the small forest near the orphanage. She started crying and yelling in jealousy. "VIKTORIA DOESN'T DESERVE KATE. SHE CAN'T EVEN BE THERE FOR HER ON HER BIRTHDAY! WHEN WILL SHE FINALLY RECOGNIZE THAT I'M BETTER FOR HER? DESMOND WAS RIGHT I WISH VIKTORIA WAS DEAD."

Suddenly as soon as her tears left her eyes they turned into acid and corroded the ground beneath her slightly.

This chapter is longer than it was supposed to be lol:,)
I hope you enjoyed!
Norman out!

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