Part 3 (1): Jealousy

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Tw: Mention of neglection; selfish, jealous and greedy behavior of characters; mild swearing; characters lying

Desmond ran behind the orphanage to hide. He needed a moment for himself to process all of this. He also wanted to figure out why his star was black and especially what his powers were. He took deep breaths to calm himself and looked down. "So... They're all rulers now.... Why am I not?... After all I've been through, don't I deserve the privilege to rule over something too?..." Many questions were running through his head. "I want to rule too... I deserve it more than them... So much more..." he mumbled to himself. As soon as he spoke those words his cheeks started to hurt really bad. He flinched in pain and imidiantly went to a bathroom to see what was wrong. He looked at his reflection.... There was a red-brownish and a black stripe under his eyes on his cheek. He didn't know what it was but also didn't want the others to see so he took plasters and put them over the stripes.

Desmond went back to the others so he didn't seem jealous to them even though he knew himself that he was. He couldn't stop the jealousy and greed from building up inside of him, but somehow ... he liked this feelings... He felt like they've made him more powerful somehow even when they were bad emotions.

"Desmond, where have you been?" Itsuki asked. "You cannot just dissappear like that and leave us worried!" Jacky said. "I'm sorry... I was just... Not feeling well..." Desmond replied slowly. He tried everything to hide the jealousy in his voice. "What about the plasters?" Jacky asked concerned. "It's nothing to worry about! Really! I just fell but I'm better now! It's okay. Really." He quickly explained not wanting them to question further."Well good thing you're better now! We need to prepare dinner for the other kids at the orphanage after all!" Kate said impatiently. "Do we really? I'm the ruler of heaven now and rulers don't usually prepare dinners!" Viktoria claimed clearly not wanting to prepare dinner. "But who's gonna take care of the other children here if not us? The staff is neglecting everyone after all. Ugh why don't they just hire new people." Kate sighed. They started fighting if they should prepare dinner or not. That was too much for Desmond, so he went to his room.

A few minutes later he heard knocking on his door. "Come in." In stepped Lydia. She was wearing a face mask that went almost over her eyes. "Desmond... Did it happen to you too? I mean do you also have stripes on your cheeks?" She asked carefully. "H-How did you know?" Desmond asked back being suspicious of her. "Well..." Lydia took off her mask revealing big black stripes on her cheeks. "It happened to me too. I have no idea why that happened..." Lydia explained. "Why are both of yours black? One of mine is a red-brownish sort of color. Maybe it represents something..." "Hm maybe, but what would it represent?" "Lydia be honest, what do you feel the most right now?" Desmond asked her calmly. "I-I..." "Come on you can tell me. I will keep it a secret you know" "I feel so damn jealous of my sister. She always gets the spotlight while I only get to be the second sister... I hate it and I'm beginning to hate her..." Lydia blurted out angrily before quickly putting her hand over her mouth. "I-I'm sorry... Now you probably think I'm mean..." Desmond looked at her suprised by her sudden outburst but then smiled. "No, no it's fine. You know... I feel similar... I deserve to be a ruler way more than them. I had a way harder life... I despise them... I want power too... This overwhelming jealousy and greed in me are too much to bear..." Desmond said sounding dark. Lydia felt disturbed by him but could also somehow feel his perspective. "So the black one means jealousy then! And if that's the case then the red-brownish one means greed!... Oh god we better not tell the others or they will think we're selfish a**holes." Lydia chuckled. "You know what? Let us create an army one day and destroy the others!" Lydia jokingly said and then left his room again.

Desmond thought about Lydia's words... Even if it was just a joke... He found it was a good idea... But he knew he would need to be stronger for that and he still doesn't even know his powers after all...

He went into the basement that no one was using and redecorated it as his lab. He did not have the equipment but he would get it somehow... He decided if he can't be powerful naturally he is gonna make himself powerful and destroy the others to rule alone... And that all with the power of science, chemistry and an army he will put together...


So the first bit of part 3 is finished! Sorry for not updating for that long but I was lacking in ideas. Anyways Nathan out!

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