Part 11 (2): Lost friends

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Tw:Suicide, mention of corpses, mention if suicidal thoughts, mourning a loss, suicidal signs, suicide note
Please if you're really sensitive to this topic then please don't read, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

A day later, Mai was still conflicted with how to fix the situation with Gudrun and Viktoria, when suddenly Maria passed her. Maria was one of Rachel's best friend and is in the same class as her. She's in grade 5 and is a talented young girl, though barely anyone notices her because she rarely spoke. Mai was confused because she was all dressed up with make up and fancy accessories, which she never wore because she refused to dress up before all the time.

"Oh hi Maria, why are you all dressed up? Do you have a date or something?" Mai asked as she went over to her. Maria looked back at her with eyes that betrayed the smile she wore on her face. "Oh, I just thought I'll dress up pretty for the last day." She chuckled. Mai started being concerned. "Last day?" She carefully asked. "Oh, I meant the last day of school week, sorry for the confusion." She apologized bowing.

"It's quite alright." Mai exclaimed, happy to hear it was just a dumb misunderstanding. "Well, have a great day then!" Mai gave her a kind smile before walking to her next classroom.

Maria on the other hand decided to search for Rachel and skip classes. She eventually found Rachel and they decided to walk through Fortress Aegis and the orphanage to reflect. "Rachel, do you think it's all worth it? Studying and getting a job, I mean." Maria asked when they were laying on a hill together. "I don't know. But what I know is that it's worth trying, no matter what you may become. I'm more worried about romantic life later. No one would ever want me probably." Rachel laughed. Maria gently kissed her cheek. "I would. I don't think it would work though." Maria looked to the side sadly. "Why not?" Rachel asked still a bit flustered from the kiss. "You'll understand one day." Maria replied. "That day will come very soon."

Rachel was confused by her words but decided to trust in her. Maria suddenly handed her a letter. "Don't read it before 9 pm, got it?" She asked smiling. "Okay. I think school ended. I will go to Desmond now. Bye, Maria! Love ya!" Rachel spoke, hugging her before she left, leaving Maria laying on the hill alone. "Your love is platonic and will probably always be. Kate deserves you so much more than me. I hope you can become happy with Kate." Maria whispered to herself silently. "I just hope you know how much I cared for you." She finished and went on a walk. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes that she got for this day and started smoking, imidiantly regretting it because it tasted horrible.

She was out till night and at exactly 8 pm she stopped at a bridge. She looked down the bridge and closed her eyes. The day has come.

The moment came. The clock hit 9 pm. Rachel was excited to read whatever letter her friend had written for her. She slowly opened it and started to read.
"Dear Rachel,

I always loved you and I'm sorry for what I did. Just know it isn't your fault. You were the only thing making my life bearable, but I still couldn't bear it. My corpse is in the sea behind the orphanage beneath the bridge. When you're reading this it's already to late. I have died. I'm wishing you the best life you could ever have and I know Kate will be better to you than I ever could.
I love you, dear

Rachel took a moment to realize what happened before she started screaming and crying loudly. When the teachers heard her and came investigating what was going on in her dorm they found her and the letter. After Rachel told them what was going on they imidiantly called the police to search for her corpse. The letter wasn't lying. Her corpse was exactly where she wrote it would be.

Rachel was in complete shock, same to everyone in school. They had all never thought she was capable of doing something like that. They decided to prepare the funeral right away and it was held a week later and everyone in her school attended it to say their last goodbyes to her.

Some students, especially Rachel, didn't know how to go on anymore. Her best friend wasn't alive anymore. Rachel prepared a bunch of flowers and placed them on the seat next to her, the seat Maria would sit in the classroom. The flowers would remain there for a very long time. The teachers and many students mourned the loss alot. Nanako and Kate didn't handle it well too. After all, they've taken care of her like all the other orphans too for such a long time and now she's suddenly gone.

Everyone misses her alot. Even the people that didn't know her much. Everyone wishes she would still be alive and everyone hopes that she's atleast happy wherever she might be now.

This chapter is a little way of me dealing with my feelings. It's also a reminder that no matter how unloved you think you are, there's always someone that would mourn when losing you. And if you're struggling with thoughts like this please search help and remember that no matter who you are or how popular you are, someone will always miss you. You are loved<3

Long talk to the end hm
Tatjana out!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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