Part 8 (2): Poems and socializing

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Tw: mention of manipulation and testing, a character having low self esteem, mild swearing
That's already it:))

Rachel was shocked at her new found ability. She could cry acid. That could definitely be useful for helping Desmond. Atleast that was what she hoped for.

She imidiantly went down into Desmond's basement. "Desmond, Desmond! Look! I got my power! I can cry acid!" She excitedly exclaimed. Desmond looked at her intrigued. He brushed one of her tears off her face and tasted it. "That's quite strong acid. I'm impressed. This will be very useful for creating some of our weapons." He grins and sent her back up. He went to his notes. "This is wunderbar! Just fabelhaft! I finally have someone I could use for my tests. What potions I could make with this acid.

"Desmond, she's still a child. You should wait with the testing till she's older." Lydia advised him. She had been standing in the corner for a while and listened to what Desmond was talking about. "Why would I do that when she's in my grasp, vulnerable and naive enough to agree to my testing?" Desmond asked an evil smile building on his face. "That's the point. She is too gullible for you to be so brutal to her now. She has to slowly get used to your brutal side. Please be good and wait till she's a little older." Desmond sighed and nodded. "I guess you're right. If she ends up mistrusting me so early she will lose her use. We all know what happens to the ones that have no use anymore."

It was lunchtime. Erika and Kate were cooking together again. "Hey Erika, is Lydia fine? She's been acting weird in the last few weeks like the hair cutting incident." Kate wondered worriedly. "She's always been this weird towards me. I can understand her though. She went through alot in our childhood as she kept getting seen as the dissapointment child while I got the spotlight as the golden one. Being the golden child is a two sided blade. On one hand I loved always having the spotlight but on the other I always feel bad for Lydia and wished that she would've gotten spotlight too. It's understandable she hates me now." Erika explained and sighed.

Kate gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry. Though her actions are understandable now and even if she hates you, it won't last forever. You're twins and someday you will realize what kind of connection you two have and how important it is." Kate tried to give her best advice. When they finish eating lunch with the other kids, Erika thanked Kate and Kate went on her way to buy a little gift for Nanako in case she would come back soon. After all her birthday was in 2 days.

Erika decided to head outside. She found her best friend Mai sitting under a tree reading and writing again. She decided to join her.

"Hello Mai! May I know what you're reading?" She asked. Mai looked down in embarrassment. "I wrote that. I don't think it's really good... It's just some poems... Nothing special after all. If it would be special the others would see me and not ignore me always." Mai explained hugging her legs. Before even replying Erika snatched her book and started reading.

"Woah Mai, this poem is amazing! You have great talent! You should show it to the other!" Erika suggested giving Mai her book back. "No, what it they think it's cringe? I think they wouldn't like it. I'm not creative and the caretakers I've shown it barely even showed interest in them." Mai teared up.

Erika couldn't see her friend that sad and took her hand. "Mai your poems are amazing. The caretakers are just neglecting brats and don't know what they're missing out." Erika said. She suddenly dragged Mai to the others.

"Hey, y'all have to read the creative poem our dear Mai just wrote! She's awesome! I swear she will become a famous philosopher." Erika bragged. Mai just blushed. "It's nothing special, really."

The others all read it and were amazed. They loved what they read and couldn't believe that it was their quiet friend Mai. "Oh Mai, I'm so sorry we haven't noticed you writing such masterpieces before. They're awesome! We want more!" Lila chuckled.

Mai's expression lit up. She didn't expect her friends to accept her like that. She always thought that they hated her because they never noticed her. Maybe she should just be louder and make herself be heard as they seemed to love her.

Suddenly everyone hugged Mai and they ended up in a big group hug. Mai enjoyed this attention. She's rarely gotten such in her years here. She could get used to this. After all she cared alot about her friends and that day she couldn't have been more thankful for the push Erika gave her.

Wohooo another chapter done:DD
Norman out!

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