small Bonus chapter: Growing up

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Tw: mention of suicide, trauma, child abuse
That should be it! Enjoy:)

In my conclusion, I don't wanna know what happened in my past life. I killed myself and don't know why but I don't need to know because I'm happy in this life. And when you're happy you don't wanna think about what made you sad before.

Kate let me adopt her. She's the greatest source of joy in my life. We did many things together. I taught her how to draw. She does great! Whenever she has homework I'm the first one to help her. I want her to grow up into a wonderful woman.

The others also grew. They're now 14 years old. Can you believe it? It felt like the years flew by. I was so happy with all of them. They're really great friends. Well, most of them. Lydia and Desmond mostly stay out of everything. But that's fine and completely valid. After all, who knows what they've been through. I still make sure to also spend some little time with them. I think Desmond had suffered alot. One night I visited him he complained about sharp back pain and when I looked I saw that his back was full of scars and that one had opened up again.

At their 13th birthdays they always made little parties in the dorms to see who they can surprise the most with that surprise party. Mai ended up crying in surprise and in joy at the same time so we deemed her as the one that got surprised the most haha.

Now they're all teens. I'm really interested in how their life is going to continue. I hope everyone will stay happy and they will stay friends. I also hope Desmond is able to trust someone again as I just want him to be happy with the others.

They're 8th grade now. I think they're going to dp great this year too! After all they're all strong and smart. But there's still something that worries me: That they are the rulers. What if someone finds out and wants to hurt them?

But what could happen, right?
I'm sorry this chapter is shorter but it's just the transition into the next arc so I couldn't write it that long:,)
I hope you still enjoyed! The next chapter will of course be longer again!
Norman out!

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