Part 10 (2): Prepare for the future

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Tw:Fear of the future and that's basically it I think-

Kate was in a rush. She needed to prepare alot, after all her and her friends would soon start attending school. They all already got their uniforms but they still had to wait for the sorting into classes. They also had to think about what's gonna happen the orphanage and sort themselves into groups that can protect each other.

They stood at their usual table to speak. "I think we should make little groups of 2 to 3 people to protect ourselves in dangerous situations." Kate said. "I may not have my powers yet but I really wanna be a defender! I could work together with Erika and William! His power of protection with a shield and Erika's visions our force shall be undefeatable!" Lila spoke.

"Okay, then we already have a defense group. Anyone else want any specific roles?" Kate asked. Desmond and Lydia walked to the door. "Yeah sorry, but without us." Lydia said, took Desmond's hand and left. "Oh well, two people less isn't great but if they don't want to, we can't force them." Kate sighed.

"I could be a warner or information supplier." Mai spoke up. She stepped out of her corner. "Why is that, if I may ask? I mean you barely talk to us." Viktoria asked. "Well, I kind of already got my powers. I can do telepathy. I can read your thoughts and talk to you in your heads." Mai explained slowly. The others were stunned. "Why haven't you told us earlier?" Erika wondered. "I was scared you would find me weak..." Mai said tearing up slightly.

"We could never. Besides, your power is great! You'll be the information supplier together with me because I may not be good in a fight since my powers only erase tragic memories." Kate explained. The others nodded.

"Then there's only 3 people left. Itsuki, Jack- I mean Jacob and Viktoria. Ypu would have to be the attackers and I'm sure you'll be great, even when none of you has their powers yet." Kate said and smiled. "Then we're done! But I still have some information."

"Since the new school is going to be having dorms for the people without homes or just people that wanna be there, Viktoria and I won't stay in dorms like you because I will allow Nanako to adopt me and Viktoria will stay at Richard's home of course. Still that means I cannot take care of the orphans anymore but we'll already have a solution for that! Nanako got her job back and is able to take care of the children from now on again!" Kate announced happily.

The others were happy at that news. They couldn't wait to go to school. It seemed really nice. Suddenly Viktoria spoke up. "Hey guys, the sorting in our classes arrived. Wanna look at it?" She asked. Of course the others nodded because they were happy to know. After all your first sorting in classes was always exciting. Viktoria put it on the table. There were 3 class.

Class 1¹ in which Kate, Viktoria and Lila would go.

Class 1² in which Erika, William and Mai would be going.

And class 1³ which Desmond, Lydia, Itsuki and Jacob would attend.

Some of the friends weren't satisfied with the sorting but also not unhappy enough to complain.

Soon the big day arrived. Their last one in the orphanage. The younger children planned a party for them together with Nanako. It looked like a birthday party but the big flyer they hung up said: Goodbye!

Many of the children were crying already missing their older friends. They tried to comfort them, telling them that they will visit. The party was fun. They played games, the children made a little play for them which they did really well. Their efforts made Kate cry. She was upset that she couldn't see those cuties everyday anymore. But soon the party was over again because the most important preparations were still not done. After all they hadn't packed yet.

It was very exciting for them all but they were also scared. What would the future hold? Would they still be friends even though they all were in separate classes? Would Desmond and Lydia change and be more open and happier with the others?

What dangers were to come?

After all they are still the rulers. They already felt uneasy about the thought of someone coming to hurt them. They were scared like every child would be and felt like they weren't going to stay happy for long. No matter what it was, they could already feel it coming.

At their day to go to school, they all hugged the little children again and then said goodbye. Most of the ones going to school now wouldn't see the orphanage again so soon.

But hey, they're older now.


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