Part 6 (2): The angel of hatred

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Tw: religious trauma, cult, mention of wanting to drink blood, containment and slight mention of abuse, personality change
And I think that's it:D

Weakly she layed on the floor chained to the altar. Viktoria was starting to get hopeless. 2 days being chained to that damn altar. But something inside her changed. She started enjoying the taste of blood, knowing it hurt the people that are treating her badly.

She began to have enough of all of this. Everyday she tried to break free from the chains, which left Alot of bruises on her wrist.

Meanwhile her friends also missed her. Kate couldn't sleep at night. She was so worried for Viktoria's safety. She already went into the city to get the groceries and search for Viktoria but without luck.

Erika and Kate went into the city after 3 certain days and searched again. Not a trace of her ever going to the city. Then suddenly a man approached. He looked like he was in his mid thirties and was sleep deprived. "You are looking for her too, don't you?" He asked stumbling towards them.

"I've seen her walk into the supermarket. I wanted to warn her about the cult that's been doing their bad deeds here. Now I can't find her. A shame. She seemed so nice." The man stated.

Erika looked at him. Her visions weren't able to detect any danger, so they decided to trust him for now. "We're her friends. We haven't see her jn 3 days. What's that cult you speak of?" Kate wondered.

The stranger took a moment to think about how to formulate it. "Well, I saw weird people having weird conversations in the supermarket your friend went to."

"Do you know where they live?" Kate asked determined to find that cult and let out her anger on them. "Well I'm not sure, but everyday they go to the basement of that big building over there. Who knows what they keep down there." The stranger pointed to a house. "Viktoria probably." Erika assumed.

They made sure that no one was going to see them, which was easy when having Erika there. They eventually managed to get the window open without breaking it with a crowbar and went inside. It took them a while until they found the correct door to the staircase to the basement.

They entered the basement and were imidiantly disturbed. They've built themselves a whole church down here. They saw Viktoria hanging on the altar with her wrist. She looked emaciated and hopeless. They imidiantly went over to her.

"Viktoria!" Kate called out while running to her with tears in her eyes.
"K...Kate is that you?! Get me out of here please... Quickly! They come back every 2 hours!" Viktoria pleaded.

They tried with all their power but weren't able to open the lock on her chains. The stranger who had been standing in the back and watched them stepped to her and gently layed his hands on her chains. After a little while of waiting they suddenly burst and broke. They look at him in awe.

"Well, I don't know why but since that day which enlightened the sky I had been able to do things like this. I seem to be the only adult here though. But many children here can do similar things too!" The man explained.

"So other people and even some adults can have powers too? I thought we 10 were the only ones. Oh god what's that god planning?" Erika was worried.

"Wait, what do you mean by you ten? What's so special about you and your friends?" The man asked in confusion.  "Well let me put it that way. A god chose us to rule over certain parts in this universe and gave everyone powers and now we're technically your rulers." Kate tried to explain that in the most normal way possible.

The stranger felt like he was about to faint. He didn't even know how to reply to that as he had to process it first. He slowly lifted the weak and hurt Viktoria up in his arms. "We should talk that through later, but first let's get this poor girl home." The man suggested.

And so they did. They managed to leave without leaving much trace and went to the orphanage. The man was stunned. "Wait, wait, wait. You're orphans?" He asked looking concerned for them. He held Viktoria a bit tighter as he had developed some sorts of maternal feelings towards her.

"Well yeah, that's most certainly why 7 year olds came looking for their friend instead of adults." Kate chuckled akwardly. "That does seem to make sense. Well then why don't I stay a while and cook you dinner?" The man offers. Since everyone, especially Viktoria, we're really hungry, they agreed happily.

The man who's name turned out to be Richard Ikeda talked with them alot while dinner about how their life here was. After dinner he made his way home.

The next day Christmas arrived. Everyone was in Christmas mood and happily opened the little presents that they've made each other when suddenly the door bell rang. It was Richard.

"Hello, I'm here to adopt Viktoria. I'm a lonely man and won't get a wife anymore and I feel a need to protect Viktoria and so I want to take her in." Viktoria was stunned and looked at the others which told her to do it. After all they've been through with that man the day before they couldn't help but trust him.

Viktoria practically jumped in his arms, promised to visit the others alot and after finishing to celebrate Christmas together, she went home with him.

She was happy though this experience has changed her.

Hello, I'm finally finished:D
Nathaniel out!

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