Part 4 (2): Memories

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Okay let's go one with the main storyline! Yippie!

Tw: mention of abuse, trauma, insomnia, mild cursing


"Guys we have to tell you something important..." Erika began.

"We already have our abilities and just need to find out what they are!" She continued leaning on the table with both her hands.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Lila asked. "Well, our dear Erika already has found out hers. When she is close to a person in danger, she can see in the future and know what'll happen to them." Kate explained gently laying a hand on Erika's shoulder.

"Shit" Desmond thought. "She's gonna know when I would try to defeat them... Guess I must become stronger than them"

Crying could be heard from the bedrooms of the other children. Kate realized that she had forgotten to read them a bedstory. "Oh god, I gotta go! Continue without me!" Kate yelled behind while quickly going to the other children.

When she entered the room she saw alot of little teary faces, that were pleading her to read them a bedtimestory. Since it was her mistake to forget about reading them one, Kate picked out their favorite. It was called "Max und Moritz". It's a german bedtimestory that Desmond brought with him in the orphanage. He translated the whole story into english and Kate likes to read it to the other children and they just love to hear it.

Before she even read the book to the end, the children were already deep asleep, except one particular child: Ethan.

He got heavily abused before he was given up for adoption and is deeply traumatized because of that. His trauma caused him to develop insomnia since he never felt save sleeping because he was scared someone would hurt him if he let his guard down.

Kate looked at him with pity. She would do anything for the children to have a good childhood. Sometimes she wishes that she would have the ability to erase the bad memories of the children. She sat down next to Ethan.

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you. I'll make sure of that!" Kate assured him and gave him a warm smile. In response he just nodded while sobbing softly.

In that moment Kate had an idea. Viktoria had told her that she and him went to the same kindergarten before they both were given up for adoption. "Wait, I'll get someone to comfort you!" Kate said and went to Viktoria.

"Hey Viktoria! Ethan can't sleep again and since you know him, could you comfort him?" Viktoria looked at Kate surprised. "He can't sleep again? Well, okay I have nothing against that."

She followed Kate to Ethans bedroom and then laid next to him and took his hand. "Hey Ethan, would it help you when I stay with you tonight? I can stay awake if that helps. I'll protect you, I promise! But please sleep." She pleaded.

He decided to trust her after a while but he still didn't seem comfortable. Kate felt like crying seeing him so upset. She stood there for a while watching him struggling to stay asleep even with Viktorias comfort.

After half an hour she couldn't hold herself back anymore. She ran to him and hugged him tightly crying alot. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you! I'm so so so sorry! I wish I could erase that horrible event." She closed her eyes while still holding onto him. "Please creator, let him forget about the abuse he's been through. Let him be able to sleep. That's all I wish for." She wished in mind. She opened her eyes to look at him and then slowly put her hand on his forehead fix his hair when suddenly a light glow  appeared on the place where her hand was and Ethan's gaze relaxes a bit.

He blinked a few times and then looked at Kate and for the first time ever she saw him smile. "Hello Kate!" He happily said and a yawn followed his speech. "I'm tired. I'll go to sleep!" He told Kate and then layed down in his bed and fell asleep instantly and relaxed like it wasn't a problem for him at all. Kate and Viktoria looked suprised and shocked before Kate jumped up and her eyes lit up with joy.

"I erased all of his bad memories!" Kate explained to Viktoria. "So that's your power! Congratulations I guess. You're the second one to find out their ability!" Viktoria congratulated and silently clapped, silent enough to not wake up the other children.

They imidiantly went to tell the others who were shocked. "You can erase memories?" Mai asked looking a bit afraid. "Well as far as I know only the traumatic ones from children." She said. Mai sighed in relieve. "Okay good. I was afraid of you becoming a villian and erasing all our memories!" She chuckled a bit akwardly.

They noted her power. Now it's just the question of who's gonna discover their power next.


So that's it! I'm finally finished with part 4! Yippie! Anyways I'll try updating the book weekly now btw!
That's all! Nathaniel out!
(Word count: 865)

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