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After a long trip, the trailer finally came to a stop and right in queue Parker began to wake up.

"Ugh my head..." He groaned.

"You appear to have a mild concussion..."

"And an extreme case of stupidity..." I said making him jump back into the cages of scraps. He clutched his head trying to shake off his daze.

"You?! H-how are you here?? Did you follow me?" He was very loud already so I placed my hand over his mouth.

"Yes." I casually said uncovering his mouth once he calmed down, he took a look around the compartment. "Where are we right now?" He asked.

"I'm not sure the containment walls are hindering my senses."

"Wait a minute, they must've highjacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair." I just shake my head while watching him look around the place.

"Okay, maybe we'll have to fight our way out of this one..." No wonder Tony needed to watch him. He's a mini Tony.

"Okay, 3...2...1!!" He kicked down the doorway of the trailer and immediately got into a fighting stance.

"You know usually it's better to not make your presence known to the enemy..." I simply stated while walking out.

"Suit Lady, where am I?"

"The most secured facilities on the eastern seaboard, Damage Control Deep Storage Vault."

This has got to be the worst babysitting job ever.

Now he's trying to pry open the doors with his bare hands. "The doors will most likely remain closed til morning..."

That isn't a problem for me due to the fact I could get us both out but I wanna see how this plays out.

"Well, this is kinda what happens when you carelessly get you're self stuck in a transport truck unconscious." He just sighed and made himself a mic shift hammock out of his webs.

"Hey Suit lady, I kinda feel bad for calling you 'Suit lady', I think I should probably give you a name..." I just sat quietly atop one of the two trailers that his hammock is attached to.

"Like Liz!! No no no that's—that's weird."

"This seems to be on the brink of an unhealthy obsession," I said seated with my arms and my legs crossed dangling over the edge.

"I'm trying to have a conversation here..." I rolled my eyes. Teens.

"Why are so interested in Liz Toomes? Her name comes out of you're mouth probably more than her parents..."

"I-I just think she's—she's cool y'know,"

"You are a terrible liar..." He dropped his hands in defeat.

"Okay okay, so what if I like her? Big deal, not like you never liked anyone before." I tilted my head.

"Define like..."

"Y'know...like um...having a crush—ugh you won't understand...' It's a teenager thing'" He said making quotations with his fingers.

"Of course, I don't understand, I was never a 'Teenager' anyways..."

"Uh yeah you were, everyone was at some point. Aunt May always tells me about the times when she was my age..." He said.

"Mine wasn't very teenager-like..." It was quiet for a moment til he spoke again.

"Hey, so while you weren't looking I may or may not have had Karen scan you, like a whole background check right—"

"Yes Peter my name is Emilia..." I said answering his unasked question.

"So you and Mr. Stark are like related?" He asked.


"Question, How come he's never mentioned you before? Like in Germany, you were fighting with the other guys and stuff. If I remember correctly you kicked Mr. Stark very...hard," I sighed at his never-ending inquiries.

"Long story Peter, maybe another time or something of that sort," I said hoping he'd pause his interrogation for the moment at least.


"Web Grenade!!" I looked up to the sight of webs covering the majority of the walls. Meanwhile, Peter is using his webs as a jump rope.

He lost his balance falling down face first by the jump rope. "Ah...that hurt,"

He then got up on top of a trailer nearby laying down and reinitiating his chat with his suit A.I.

"Should I tell Liz that I'm Spider-Man?" I could only roll my eyes at the said question but still listen anyway.

"Who is Liz?" He chuckled at the question before speaking once again.

"Whose Liz? She's the best. She's awesome. She's just a girl that goes to my school and yeah I really wanna tell her but it's kinda weird y'know, 'Hey! I'm Spider-Man'"

"What's weird about that?"

"What if she's expecting someone like Tony Stark? I mean imagine how disappointed she'd be when she sees me..."

"Well if I were her I wouldn't be disappointed at all..."

"Thanks, Karen, it's really nice to have someone to talk t—"

"If this whole sentimental scene between you and 'Karen' goes on any longer I might just actually barf..." I'm sorry but I couldn't take this any longer than needed.

"Hey it's not like I'm forcing you to listen in on my private conversation," He said.

"When you have enhanced senses like hearing nothing within a certain radius is private," I sat up facing him.

Starting to reconsider leaving him here after all...

879 words

𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙰. |"𝙽𝙾 𝙸'𝙼 𝙼𝙸𝙰"| AVENGERS FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now