Chapter Six

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Was he serious? Oversee?

"Just hear me out Julian before you say anything." The Alpha said, his face not giving away anything. "My wife, Katerina and I aren't getting much younger. Soon I would have to give up the Alpha title to my son, Pierce, who is able but sometimes a bit stubborn." I look at the old man wearily.

What is he trying to say?

"What am trying to say is that, I don't think my son is ready for the Alpha title. And Katerina and I want to go on a second honeymoon slash vacation. I think these old bones need some fun and feel the sand between my toes. What am asking is that you oversee what hes doing, ensure that he's doing this thing right. That's all am asking."

I furrowed my brows together thinking whether I should help out the old man or not. But what about my own pack? Who will look after them?

"With all due with respect Alpha Caine but I can't accept your offer. I have my own pack to look after. I'm pretty sure you understand that." I stared at him. His expression neutral.

"Yes Julian am fully aware of the fact that you have your own pack. I'm not saying you should leave your pack and take over mine while am gone. I'm saying that it would be helpful if you could pop in and see how Pierce is handling the duties of being an Alpha. Teach him to be a true Alpha" He explained to me. "At least think about it." Damn I didn't want this. But I do have a question to ask. He rose from his chair and went over to his desk where he was shuffling through some stack of papers.

"I have question Alpha Caine." He looked up from his task and stared at me with intent. "What is it that you want me to teach Pierce that he wouldn't already learn from you?"

The old man chuckled, letting his laughter fill the room. "Julian you are definitely something else. That's a good question though. I honestly don't know. But something, a special ingredient is missing from Pierce to be a true Alpha. I just feel it." He sigh before he continued, "You must think I'm crazy." He said chuckling softly over his words.

But I did understand what he was saying. He wanted Pierce to be true to himself and realize that he is capable of being a true Alpha. My father told me the same thing before he passed.

"I'll think about your offer. But am not making any promises." I told him.

"That's okay by me. I think you should go to the ballroom and enjoy the party, take your men too. I'm sure they could use a break from standing outside by the door for so long." He said, as he was back to shuffling his papers again. I smirked at his request. Maybe this could be a stress reliver for me and my men indeed. Pick up broads and just let the night go by.

"That's a pretty good offer. I'll take it."

"Good. Head out and have fun. Thanks for coming Julian, I appreciate it." He pause from his task a second time again, and walk over to me and held out his hand.

"Thanks Alpha Caine." And I took his hand into mine and shook it.

Maybe, this wouldn't be so such a bad idea after all.

Wicked Deeds ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora