Chapter Twenty - Three

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~~~Julian's Pov

(Three weeks later...)

It had been three weeks since Scarlett's disappearance. And Pierce, and I have been searching up and down the place and still nothing. The only thing I got from the night Scarlett went missing, was that she'd been there with another shewolf. The problem I was now facing, was that I couldn't get a lead on the scent to be able to track it. It was resting on my mind heavily.

I just didn't understand how the scent had suddenly disappeared. I sighed, not sure what to do. But what I did know was that, giving up wasn't an option at any point and time. I'd find my mate, even if it'd killed me. I sat in the the living room of the Caine's residence. I'd yet to tell the Caine's about their daughter being missing. I didn't want to ruin their long, deserved vacation that they had finally got a chance to take with this disturbing news.

I needed a way to fix this whole mess before things got out of hand, and there wouldn't be enough time to clean up the mess. Too preoccupied with my thoughts, I hadn't realized that Pierce had walked into the room. He was carrying a glass of brandy in his hand as he plopped down in the couch opposite from mine. Ever since Scarlett went missing, Pierce had found retribution in a glass of brandy or wine. He didn't want the pessimistic thoughts to override his optimistic ones, so he would drink a glass or two to deter them.

I stared at Pierce, as he empty the remaining contents of his drink from his glass. "Are you okay Pierce?" Concern lacing my voice.

"I'm exhausted. I just want her home." He replied in a low tone.

"We're going to find her and bring her home safely. I promise you that, you have my word." I calmly reassured him. Even to me, my words felt like they didn't held any hope. But I had to try my best to believe in them.

"And if we dont? What then?"

"Don't think like that. We're going to find her." I told him sternly.

I saw him took a deep breath before he got up from his seat. "I'm going to head off to bed. I'm tired." He said to me. I nod to indicate my response. He disappeared from the living the room, and upstairs to his.

I felt like I was at a dead end, and I didn't know what to do.

I decided I was going to go out and meet up with an old friend of mine. I went to the closet and don on my black jacket. Then retrieve my keys from the small table that was in the corner of the living room. I made my way to the door as I left the house. I had Chazz brought over my motorcycle in case I had to do some one on one work in locating Scarlett. I put my key in the ignition and brought the engine to life. I rode straight out of the Caine's residence and into the night.

Fifteen minutes later, I found myself in the parking lot of one of the most exclusive, private gentleman's club around the pack area, called White's. I approach the huge mahogany door and knock twice. A recorded voice came over the intercom.

"State your purpose for the night?" It ask.

"Pleasure," I simply reply.

The doors began to open, "Enjoy your night Alpha." The recorded voice said. I enter the building and went to counter to ask for Stella. A petite frame with a pixie hair cut stood behind the counter.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" She asked flashing her practiced smiled.

"I would like to see Stella please." I responded.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" She query.

"No, but I know she's expecting me." I told her firmly.

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