Chapter Thirty

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***Haven Dale Pack Territory***

**Sunset setting...**

~~~Scarlett's Pov

Word had gotten around the pack territory quickly about the fight between Elana and I. Everyone was anticipating what will happen. Even I, was highly anticipated what the outcome of this aftermath will be.

I was in deep thought about everything that was about to take place. I mean, I still hadn't gotten a chance to express myself to Julian about what I was feeling. That I wanted to be his, and his only. No random type, in between, inconsistency bullshit. I wanted him to bear his soul to me, put his pride aside and show me the side he never shows to anyone else.

I know I'm stubborn, but when it comes to my feelings, and my heart I don't play around with neither one. I don't like to be made a fool out of. But this was fate, this was destiny and you just can't run away from that. So despite how we both felt towards each other in the beginning, it doesn't mean we can't work it out now in the end.

I heard a knock on my door, "Uhh, Miss we're ready. It's time." The man behind the door said.

"Just a minute." I inform him.

So it was time. Time to settle this once and for all.


I made my way to the arena, where all the pack members gathered to witnessed this fight. What was this? The gladiator? Because I felt like Maximus Decimus Meridias, and Jaxton was Commodus. And this small arena was the Colosseum itself, where the Emperor had organized one hundred and fifty games to commemorate his late father.

Enough with Rome history Scarlett! Focus.

I took deep breaths to calm myself down. The man led me into the center of the arena where all eyes were on me. From the other end of the arena, I saw Elana approaching. She had a smirk on her face, and a evil twinkle hidden in the depths of her eyes.

She wants me dead.

I hid any emotion that might cause me to look weak in front of my enemy. Instead, I had a straight face that was expressionless. The crowd got louder, it was up to their Alpha to calm them down.

He raised both his hands to silence the crowd in the arena. The noise had now died down. The men that brought us in, now waited on further instructions. He began to speak, "Today is a very important day for one of these females. One is going to get her freedom and her mate-" Elana growled at that comment. Her fist was clenched and her black raven hair flared loosely around her. She was still beautiful, but it was easily ruin by her personality and her character. She looked directly at me, with anger blazing her in ethereal eyes. I stand my ground, not giving in into the menacing stare of her trying intimidate me. Instead I smirk at her.

That seemed to set her off. She came charging at me with full force.

Bring it bitch.

I prepare myself as she came directly at me. With quick reflexes and good foot techniques, I dodge her attack. I gripped her by her beautiful tresses and yank it hard, slamming her entire body into the ground. She yelp in anguish. My face was expressionless just like Julian's and serious.

I walked away from her. And she got up off the ground. If I thought she was livid before, it was nothing compare to now. The crowd was in a frenzy and loud wolf whistles and shouting erupted throughout the entire arena. I caught a glimpse of her brother staring at me. He sat in his chair with one of his hands rubbing his chin and a hint of mischievousness hinted his eyes. He's enjoying this. Bastard.

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