A Word With The Author

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Hello everyone *waves*

-8- Started from the bottom now we here -8-

Wicked Deeds is now officially finished. There will be NO sequel for them. I mean, they came from such a long way, and they realized that this relationship is something they both wanted. After much trial and error they finally got what they both wanted - love and happiness. I mean, no relationship is just perfect like that. It takes commitment and hard work to develop that bond between two people.

I really just want to share some thoughts about the book.

As you guys already know, this is my first book on wattpad. I've always been a fan of werewolves, vamps and mythical beings from a longer time. When I first joined wattpad, I would mostly read werewolf stories, or vampires, or hybrids etc.., and I was wholly intrigued till one day I had the idea playing around in my head that I wanted to write my own werewolf story. I told my older sister about it, and she has fully supported my decision from then to now. She is undoubtedly my #1 fan and biggest motivator. If this book is 'published' worthy, she will definitely be in the dedication without a doubt. Hence, the birth of Scarlett Ross and Julian Cesario were born.

At first, I was skeptical about writing it, I wasn't sure how people would respond to my work, and it being a bit different than other werewolves stories on here. It is not the 'traditional' werewolf story you see on wattpad, with alot of fighting and blood shedding etc...  I mean, like seriously, werewolves don't sing, dance, have a girls night out or any of that shit werewolf people would do. But in this book they do all of that while still maintaining their werewolf nature, I think. And in my opinion, that's what makes my book so interestingly different. I wanted to bring something new to the table and make it be a book that people would want to read over and over again.

This took me about two years to write. During those two years I was attending school so that definitely took up my time. I had major writer's block. Half the time I wasn't  sure what I was writing made any sense. Clearly, it did make sense because nobody is complaining about any of the chapters sounding off or not connecting. So one brownie point there. Sometimes I get a bit intimidated by other authors on wattpad. The way their story is so captivating and so beautifully written, I start to doubt my self and my skills as an author, and then I think to myself, but my book isn't even half of that. I guess it's only natural to feel like that when you're new to the game. In the end, I have to trust myself that I can be a good author and just write great stories as well.

That's why I like it when readers leave comments so much. I want to know what you're thinking, that way I can fix my errors and correct them in the future. I love when my readers tell me that this is their favorite book or how this story is so great. It reassures me that people actually find my book/work interesting and want to read more of it. And for me, that's an accomplishment by itself. And I am grateful for all the support and feedback on WD. Without it's fan base, WD wouldn't be where it is today.



*** Minor Issues To Be Tackled On WD.

Um, some people had a problem with the person I chose to be Julian Cesario character. *takes a deep breath* Now listen to me keenly, I don't care how many times you've seen Francisco Lachowski on wattpad playing the male lead for any other book that you read, that is not my business. This book is. Maybe I should consult with all the authors on wattpad and ask how many of them have used a particular character in their story before I use it in mine. Well, guess what? It's not happening so get over it.

Next thing, Scarlett's character. So, many of you said that Scarlett's character was weak. Okay, I agree with that. She being an Alpha's daughter means that she is suppose to hold her own when fighting, and that's wholly understandable. She must be a bad ass especially, in battle. If you re-read chapter thirty, you will see some changes that I've made in that particular scene. Some tweaks have been made to other chapters as well, so what you read before won't be there again in certain chapters.

Furthermore, people were commenting about Elana being prettier than Scarlett. *ponders the thought* I agree that Elana's character is beautiful yes, but so what? What does that have to do with Scarlett's character? Elana isn't even the main female character. Why are you people being so shallow? Grow up, please. Stop allowing the media to tell you what is considered to be beautiful and what isn't. I don't appreciate the criticisms being made on Scarlett's character, so don't do it. My characters are flawless in my eyes. I just needed a character to play 'crazy' Elana and a reader suggested her. Oops, I guess I should've debated whether she was better looking than Scarlett's character or not *rolls eyes*.

Before I close off, I want to know if you want me to write another Wicked Madness series. It's a simple yes or no question. No pressure. But if the yes outweigh the no's  then I will do it. But after completing my next book that I'm working on called the The Athletes Girl. Please stick around for that book. I'm going high school settings with that one. A little chick flick for ya.

DO NOT REMOVE WD just yet, I want you guys to know when the The Athlete's Girl will drop for you to read.

If YOU, yes YOU, want me to continue with the Wicked series, it will be Chazz's story and Pierce's own. Just those two will complete the collection. But it's all up to you to decide.

Once again, I want to say a BIG FAT THANK YOU to ALL my followers, the readers, the ones who added WD to their reading lists, the ones who VOTE on EVERY chapter, the ones who couldn't wait for another update and last but not least, the ones who genuinely enjoy reading my book/work. You guys are the real MVP and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you for sticking with me and my story.

This is my final closing, please bear in mind that this is not the end but only the beginning, until we meet again Wicked Nation. 😈😈

Stay Wicked. 😍😘



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