Chapter 23

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Hey y'all! It has been ages but oh well. I know I need to be consistent but well LIFE???

Alrighty then! We are going on a holiday sorta thing so I thought I'd update this before leaving.

Verse of the chapter-

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along, yeah

My heart is full and my door is always open

You come anytime you want, yeah

A comforting sort of silence filled the room and it felt like a dream. It was a dream coming true, almost. After having imagined countless first kiss scenarios this was definitely not how I had pictured it to go down.

"I am sorry for doing that by the way. I could think of no other way and you seemed like you would drop dead any second." He said five minutes later.

"I... Thank you?" I did not know what to say. Was I thanking him for having saved me or was I thanking him for having kissed the living daylights out of me? The latter probably. 

He nodded in return and that was one of the things I liked best about him. He understood. Kind of. And he knew when not to push and when to let go of a subject.

I moved to the other side of the bed to rest my back against the head board. And he came up and sat, with his back resting at the head board too, beside me. I thought he would have run away or hated me but he did not. He stayed which was more than anything I could have ever asked for.

We adjusted the covers over ourselves and it was just like old times. As cliché as it sounds, it felt like returning home after ages of being away. Like how the comfortable, familiar, feeling of home, the feeling of being loved and protected kind of embraces you, takes you in, when you return after a journey. He was home. He was my anchor. And in that moment I knew I would never love another the way I love him. I kind of always knew that but then I felt like this rope binding me to him. I knew.

We sat there for god knows how long. I would not have been surprised if someone told me centuries had passed but it just felt so good.

He placed his left hand on my right and spoke slowly, as if measuring and calculating every word he spoke. "Harry, you know I can't lose you, right?"

I turned towards him and he was already staring back. However irrelevant this sounds, his blue eyes, which if you stared into you would feel like being X- Rayed, were endlessly fascinating. Shakespeare could write books about his eyes. They were that beautiful.

"Harry?" He whispered. That knocked me out of my zoned out state. I looked away because if I looked at him for another minute, it felt like, he would learn of all my secrets.

"I don't know." I replied.

"What don't you know?" He asked.

"I don't know."


It may seem needless to mention but his palm still rested over my own and I didn't know what to think of it. I wanted to sleep and at the same time I didn't. I wanted to do so many things but I couldn't do any of those.

"I missed you." I whispered because that was something a friend could say to another without being judged.

"I missed you too." He replied. He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand and he continued doing just that.

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