Chapter 25

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Crap, it has been long. Forgive me. Well then, without further ado, I'll let you dive into this chapter.

{{Waittttt.... I'll add in a a trigger warning, though. If you're easily triggered, I'd rather you not read it. But I love you, okay? Don't hurt yourself. }}
《Picture on the side - Harry in the fix atm》

Verse of the chapter-
She couldn't take it anymore, she sent her boy a text,
She said, "I love you with body, heart and soul to death."
He thought nothing, typed "I love you", then he sent it.
By "death" he didn't know that she had literally just meant it.


He cried for god knows how long because by the time he lifted up his head from where it rested on his knees his eyes were red and swollen and his head hurt like a bitch. He was almost out of tears.

He walked down to the kitchen for a glass of water. On his way he saw Liam and Niall passed out on the couch where they were watching the movie. The television was now playing some other movie and because the lights were switched off the light from their LED made the place more cozy and romantic. He smiled at the two love birds and he couldn't be happier for them. They had each other. And Harry knew someone as responsible and gentle as Liam would never let any harm or pain of any sort come to his boyfriend. He also knew someone as loving and caring as Niall would give Liam all his love and just be there for him with all his heart. To Harry their little love story was one of the most precious things ever. He switched off the television and picked up a blanket from their closet downstairs and spread it over his two best friends. Before walking away he whispered a small goodbye to them because he knew they won't be seeing him again.

He grabbed a bottle of water and went back up to his room. Once in there, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He then walked over to his bed and sat down on his bed. He could feel his time drawing closer by the second and his heart beat sped up but this was his choice and he wanted to go through with it. He got out his journal and turned to an empty page. He closed his eyes for a second and then began writing.

Dear Liam, Niall and Zayn,

I don't even know how or where to begin writing this because my mind is all over the place right now.

I want you lot to know that I love the three of you a lot. More than you guys will ever know, I think. You three and your opinions have always meant the world to me and like you guys were always there for me whenever I needed a shoulder to lean on. I can't put into words how thankful I am for the fact you three exist. Because to be very honest, you three make the world go round. You three make the sun shine brighter.

Niall, even though you're older than me you've always been like a younger brother that I feel the need to look out for. You've always done the same for me too. I love you for that. I absolutely love your eyes. Okay, that was out of nowhere. But yeah. I also love annoying the crap out of you because it is fun. I love how you and Liam are so in love and I know I don't need to say this but look out for Liam for me. He's all tough and buff but on the inside that guy is like a baby kitten, I swear.

I am sorry if by what I am doing I am hurting you. Not my intention. I love you way too much to do that. I can't hurt you, Nialler.

Liam, promise me you'll look out for the lads and that you won't let them break apart or lose it all. You're and have always been like an anchor to us. You're what has kept us sane these past two years when the hype of it all could have gotten to our heads. You make us, well, us. If that makes sense? Thank you for always being there for me and for being like a second father. I could always come to you for anything, literally, and you'd have it. If there's anyone I trust with everything right now it's you. I am sorry because I know it'll be really hard for you but you should promise me that you'll pull through. I know you're strong. Take care of little Nialler for me because he's like a mirror that will shatter upon the slightest touch of harshness. And don't dare break his heart or I'll break your ribs.

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