Chapter 11

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Um, I dont have much to say so lets begin.  

Except the fact that Ive grown tired of everything. Literally. Uh, I dont know. Ive been so freaking confused lately. And something hurts and I dont even know what that is. It just hurts.  

Gahhhh.. I should shut up now.  

~Enjoy Reading~

-Harry's Pov-  

"Why are you pretending to care so much? Stop acting all fake." I yelled at him. 

"I am not pretending for the sake of god, Harry. Ofcourse, I care. You're my best mate. Why would I not care.?" He asked, his voice now slightly raised.  

Yeah, best mate. Thats what I'll ever be.. 

"Because you don't. I know you don't. Now can you please leave?"

"You seriously think I dont care? Fine, I'll show you now what not caring exactly is." He said before leaving, slamming the door shut behind him.

My phone then vibrated. Text message from Zayn.  

"Coming for dinner?" The text read.  

"Nope." I replied before turning my phone off and throwing it on my bed with as much force as I could.

What exactly have I done to deserve all this?  

Sometimes we end up pining for things that we can't have. That we're not supposed to have. But why?  

Ive no answer to that. I know for a fact that wishing for Louis to be mine would do me no good except for hurting me with every passing day. I know he can never EVER be mine. It is simply impossible. But it's not my fault that I fancy him. Not my fault that he's oh-so-likable. In all honesty it's his parents fault for producing such an amazing species.  

Wow that sounds weird.  

My stomach growled indicating the fact that it requires food. I couldn't help but ignore it because I just can't get anything down my throat. I straightened my blankets before pulling them up to cover myself before closing my eyes.  

Louis' face constantly flashed before my eyes making me even more annoyed than I already was.

At this point I wouldve given anything to stop loving Louis, to stop these feelings which were welcomed no where. Wouldnt it have been a whole load easier if it were a girl I was in love with.

But is falling out of love easy?

The answer was no.

For hours and hours I just laid there anticipating what my future could be. I dont know, Ive never imagined life without him. Even when I wasnt in love with him it just never occurred to me that he would one day have a girlfriend, that he would one day be getting married, that he would have his own family. Now that I thought of it, it just hurt more...

How could I fall in love with someone who didnt even give two shits about me? why?

In my unawareness sleep took over my senses.. My dreams again were disturbed by a certain someone called Louis Tomlinson. They were like nightmares or as I would like to call them Lou-mares.  

That's funny.  

I woke up the next day with no emotions whatsoever. It took me several minutes to remember what had been going on in my life. In other news, I havent eaten anything for past two days. I never knew I could go that long without eating. Well, I definitely know now.

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