Chapter 16

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Im sorry for not updating. (not that anyone cares but yeah).
Things arent really working out for me at the moment and it sucks and I am so sorry for whining. Also Im sorry you guys have to deal with my crap. Sorry muffins!
I still love y'all who have been reading this since the start and are still here, Thankyou guys for not ditching this for my crap. Means alot to me.
So now on with the story.

-Harry's Pov-
Too much light in this room for my liking was my first thought in the morning. I shielded my eyes with the help of my hand and got off my bed to draw the curtains close.
They didn't completely block out the light but they did a fair job. My room looked like the coziest place ever. 
I went back to bed but I couldnt sleep so I just laid there trying to think. I said 'trying to think' because, well, I couldnt literally think of anything. My mind was numb. All the bad thoughts from last night and before came back. The only time I am at peace or not having bad thoughts is when I am asleep. Not when I am having nightmares though. I dread those nights.
I can't help but wonder why this can not end? If God hates me that much why can't he just rip my page and end my story? Also, why can't I end the story myself? Why am I such a coward?

I shut my eyes and a tear makes its way out in the open and rolls down my cheek followed by another one of its companions.
"Stop it, Harry. Stop being pathetic."
I got up and walked to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth and staring in the mirror I saw someone I didnt recognise looking back at me.
As much as I hated seeing what I was seeing in the mirror I knew it was a reflection of me. It was what I looked like. I moved further to have a closer look and to be honest my eyes kind of scared me. No, not the horror movie type scary either. 

I shook my head, did my business and walked out. I changed into some casual clothes and decided to check who was up.

Turns out I was the only one who woke up late. All the lads were already up.
I muttered a small "morning" when I walked into the living room. They all answered and went back to doing whatever they were doing before I walked in.

I sat down on one of the sofas and looked around for something to do. Just then Liam looked up at me and said "Your food from last night is in the fridge. You were sleeping so I didn't wake you up. You can heat and eat it."
Before I replied he spoke up again and asked "Or do you want me to heat it for you?"

"Im not really hungry. Thankyou, though." I replied. And that earned me a simultaneous "Harry" with the 'y' being stretched a bit too much.

"What?" I asked.

"If Louis doesn't love you back it doesn't mean you have to fucking starve yourself. He likes someone else, why is it so difficult for you to wrap your head around that? You, my friend, need to move the fuck on. Man up for the love of god because you are not the only one with a messed up love life. You can't get everything you like..even if you're a teenage heart throb and a millionaire. So grow a pair and stop being a cry baby about it." Zayn replied as calmly as ever.

And he has the audacity to say that?

Liam and Niall stare at Zayn in pure shock because come on. You dont expect your friend to lash out at you out of nowhere especially not when they have no idea as to what is going on.

"You think that is what this is about?" I managed to ask.

"Obviously." He replied and did the isn't-it-obvious motion with his eyes.

"Z, please stop!" Niall whispered.

"Oh come on, Niall. I never said anything wrong yknow.. He loves someone and that someone loves someone else. End of story. HE should move the fuck on because what's the point in crying about it? He's not the only one something like that has happened to because this is life." Zayn replied.

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