Chapter 6 (La Douleur Exquise)

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Hours later Liam had knocked on Harry's door, resulting in a very cranky Harry because he'd fallen asleep. Liam told him to get ready as he handed him his glass of milk. Because Liam knew Harry hadn't eaten.

Liam waited for Harry to get ready so he could talk to him because of what Liam had figured out a couple days prior.

"Harry, I need to talk to you." Liam began.

"Okay. What about?"

"Louis." Liam looked at Harry and Harry nearly dropped the bottle of cologne that he was holding before he composed himself.

"Oh. Um. What about, uh, Louis?" he quietly asked.

"So, uh, the other day" Liam started but was having a difficulty getting words out, "I kind of realized something."

Harry raised an eyebrow and Liam continued, "I know, Haz!"

And Harry felt his heart rate pick up, "Um, what?"

"Everything, after the meeting last week."

"Fuck!" Harry muttered under his breath, trying to think of escape plans while his brain screamed "Abort Mission" at him.

"Haz, it is okay, yknow! All of it."

Harry knew it was better to just admit to it rather than beating around the bush because at least, then, he'd have someone to talk to that wouldn't judge him.

"I miss him so fucking much, Li!"

"I am so sorry." Liam whispered as he reached out to hug his friend.

"But I think you should talk to Louis about this, the sooner the better!"

"Li, I can't! What if it ruins our friendship? What if it disgusts him? You know I can't risk losing him!"

"Trust me, I understand." Liam sighed before continuing, "But growing up, my mum taught me to live life without the constant fear of 'what ifs'. It is anything but easy, I know! But you'll never know until you try." "AND you can talk to him when we go over tonight. We'll let the two of you talk!"

"But, Li-" Harry began but Liam cut him off. "Sssshhhh! Tonight!"

"Man, Li, what would we ever do without you. You're honestly the best, okay?"

"Louis will always be your number one though!" Liam winked at Harry causing him to blush.

As the time they were supposed to leave rolled around, Harry was getting as nervous as nervous could be, putting in extra effort to put together his clothes and hoping against hope that it'll go all his way.

"Bravo, Haz, for beating the time Zayn takes to get ready!" Niall playfully punched Harry's shoulder as the three of them made their way outside.

"I call shotgun," Niall yelled (causing Liam to smile the goofiest of smiles) as he made a run for the car only stopping when he'd reached the car and was waiting for Liam to unlock it.
Once at Louis' place, he'd hugged them all, one by one. Harry stood awkwardly to the side, as Louis hugged the guys. And then Louis had turned around and all but thrown himself at Harry, who wrapped his arms protectively around Louis' petite form.

It felt like coming home. Harry had committed every little detail from that memory as if his life depended on it. Louis' rhythmic breathing made Harry want to keep breathing forever, the way the older lad was reciprocating the enthusiasm Harry was putting in the embrace.

"Guys, I have a, um, friend coming over if that is alright?" Louis asked once all of them had settled in. The guys assured him that it was, indeed, alright.

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