Chapter 14

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Hiya again.

I doubt anyone even likyes this fic :/ but I'll keep going bc I love to write even if it is as shitty as this. Plus it helps get my mind off of ALOT of things and I mean ALOT.

So, let's start.

Oh and btw (if you're reading) sorry for all the Harry Pov's. I just sorta find 'em easy at the moment.

-Harry's Pov-

"You're lying." 'Little Harry says as soon as I tell him that the doctor said Louis would be fine.

"Please don't lie to me, okay? I.. Sorry, but I heard your conversation with the doctor. I know he's dying and we can't do anything about it." He sighs..

"Sorry. " I tell him.

By now we're out of the hospital and weirdly enough we're back at the park. How did this even happen without me even noticing?

"I am going to be alone again." He whispered more to himself than me.

"What do you mean alone? You can make new friends. Ofcourse, no one will ever replace Louis but still." I tried to make him understand.

Liam's words finally made some sense. 

"No one likes me. Ive tried." he whispered again.

"Let's not worry about this right now. He's alive, right? And miracles do happen. Think positive." I told him.

It was getting darker and I wanted to get Harry home. His mum must be worried.

"Harry it's getting late. Your mum must be worried."

"I..I.. My mum died two years ago. Her and my dad both died because of the same disease Louis's got. Dad just went a bit early and mum stayed a bit longer. " his voice cracked.

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. His dad, his mum and now his best friend too? Wow, what an awesome way of running the world. The kid has already lost too much, if he lost anything or anyone now he'll break. He won't ever be the same again. Heck, he has lost his entire childhood already. 

I just knew now I had to do everything in my power to save Louis.

"Listen, Harry. I'll do everything in my power to save Louis. okay? All I need is for you to be positive. Just like you guys said. Dont give up. Please?"

I saw colour rise in his face. Almost like he could see hope.

"Thank you." He said loud enough for me to hear before he got up from where we were sitting and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

"Where do you live?" I questioned.

"Th..The foster house just near the hospital.." He muttered.

He held my hand tightly once again as we walked to the foster house. Once we reached there I hugged him before he went.

I was alone once again to deal with my own thoughts. I felt a weird sort of connection with Harry. It felt like we were meant to meet and I was supposed to help him or rather help Louis. I wish I could. I wanted to. Only, I had no idea how. I mean, I know I can help him financially but I wanted to do something more.

-Louis' Pov-

Me and Niall played his playstation while the other two cooked dinner. Harry however was nowhere to be found. I actually came to see him to be honest. I wanted to spend time with him. It has been ages since we've done something together. I missed those fun times.

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