14. Lord Strong

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Daelia knew she should have felt bad about Harwin, she did. She felt bad for Jace and Luke, they were closer with him. She felt bad for Larys, he lost his family, he was all alone but he didnt seem to mind being alone. 

Rhaenyra stifled her tears and Daelia didnt like seeing her mother so sad. There was something dark inside Rhaenyra that had pushed Daelia away but there was still a lightness in Daelia that didnt want to see her family so sad. She could handle Rhaenyra's sadness however, but jace and lukes pouting faces were quite terrible. Daelia pushed down her feelings she had to be the stable one here. 

But Daelia absolutely hated seeing her father sad. He cried and cried over his sister as his uncle spoke. Laenor hadnt seen his sister in over ten years. Laena had never met Daelia or the boys. 

Daemon didnt hear the speech Vaemond gave for Laena's funeral, he stared back at Daelia, perfect beautiful little Daelia as she stood beside her father holding his hand. 

"I'm so sorry daddy." Daelia whispered holding onto him. 

"Thank you baby... Laena would have loved you." Laenor whispered. Daelia looked to Laena's daughters. They looked like Laena's portrait on driftmark. Then she noticed Daemon, he didnt seen to have any concern or care about his dead wife, his eyes had narrowed in on her. Daelia tensed hiding her face in Laenor's chest. 

''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra asked coming up to Jace. ''Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Rhaenyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters. Trying to find Daemon in the crowd, she wanted so desperately to see him to talk to him. 

''I have an equal claim to sympathy.'' Jace countered.

''Jace.'' Rhaenyra scowled. 

''We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.'' Jace countered.

''It would not be appropriate. The Velaryons are our kin and the Strongs are not.'' Rhaenyra reminded him, Jace scoffed. ''Look at me. Do you understand?'' Daelia rolled her eyes as she passed. Liar, liar.

"I miss you already." Alicent remarked. Daelia smiled hugging her. 

"I miss you too, its only been a week. How long are we supposed to stay at Dragonstone?" Daelia pondered. 

"I dont know." Alicent admitted. "This is a lovely dress honey." Daelia gave a spin, her blue dress clung to her effortlessly. 

''Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black; dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread. Hand turns loom; spool of green..." Helaena remarked finding a spider on the ground she eased it into her hand. Aemond stumbled into Aegon as he tried to find Daelia. 

''We have nothing in common.'' Aegon scoffed downing his drink.

"What?" aemond countered distracted. Aegon nodded to Helaena. Aemond didnt care, he was going to convince Daelia to marry him, he felt bad for Helaena of course being stuck with Aegon but hell if Aemond got Daelia then who cared? ''She's our sister.'' Aemond reminded him, smiling back at Helaena but she was focused on the creature in her hand. 

''You marry her, then.'' Aegon sneered grabbing another drink

''I would perform my duty, if mother had only betrothed us.'' Aemond said obediently. "But luckily she didnt." he added quickly. 

"See! Even you dont want her!" Aegon declared, with a scoff.

''It would strengthen the family. Keep our Valyrian blood pure.'' Aemond reminded him. "That is why I plan to marry Daelia."

"Good luck with that." Aegon murmured. 

"Thank you." Aemond agreed marching off. 

''Lyonel Strong's son's been staring at you since the moment we arrived, Your Grace. Unabashedly.'' Criston remarked.

''It is only a look of pride, Ser Criston.'' Alicent corrected ''Larys is the new Lord of Harrenhal.'' she glanced back at Larys seeing Daelia approach him. 

"Hello, princess." Larys turned his gaze away from Alicent. 

"I'm sorry for your losses." Daelia answered. 

"Oh," Larys blinked back at her, almost an after thought, no one had said they were sorry for his loss. "Thank you... I'm sorry for your loss." 

"I didnt know her." Daelia countered, with a shrug. "It's my father I'm worried about."

"Yes... your father." Larys agreed knowingly. 

"I tried to comfort them," Jace remarked coming up to Daelia. 

"Who?" Daelia countered grabbing a piece of bread, "ew its all wet from the shores." Daelia dropped it down for the gulls to pick at. 

"Our cousins." Jace clarified. "Mother said to be nice to them but they dont know us. Their father should be comforting them." 

"I dont think he can be trusted." Daelia countered. "He seems shady." Jace chuckled. 

"You just met him." Jace countered. 

"And look at him, what good husband doesnt cry at his wifes funeral? Thats shady." 

''Grandma..." Rhaena sobbed ''I don't want Mother to be gone.'' Laenor stood in the waters he wouldn't move from the seas needing to be closer to his sister. No one could bring her back, he should have gotten her back himself. Tried to find her, bring her home, convinced her that she had been gone too long. 

"Retrieve your patron." Corlys hissed to Qarl. 

"I will get him." Daelia assured and she headed down. 

"Thank you." Corlys tone softened as Daelia headed down. 

"Daddy..." Daelia whispered kicking off her shoes as she joined him in the water. 

"Hi baby girl." Laenor wiped at the tears falling down his cheeks. 

"We dont have to talk, we can just stand here for a while. Grandsire, isnt happy but... we can just ignore the vein popping out of his neck." Daelia assured. 

"My sweet girl." Laenor held her close. 

''Vhagar is my mother's dragon.'' Baela shouted.

''Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.'' Aemond said proudly.

''She was mine to claim.'' Rhaena shouted in outrage.

''Then you should've claimed her!'' Aemond countered smugly. 'Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.'' Rhaena didn't like that one bit she charged at him. Both twins but Aemond struck them down. ''Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!'' Aemond warned and Jace yelled out as he charged. They all charged at Aemond getting him to the ground, punching him. But Aemond had fire in him. He kicked the girls off and sent a punch to Luke's face, breaking his nose. Blood streamed down his face. 

''You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards.'' Aemond declared as he stood up.

''My father's still alive.'' Luke corrected defensively. 

''He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?''

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now