24. Why Not Both?

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Why not have them both?

That question crossed daelias mind more often than she would like to admit. But aemond was so sweet and doting while criston was devoted and possessive.

"Daelia, Daels, Daelia?" Daeron questioned as she stroked a hand through his hair. Daeron waved a hand in front of her face.

"What? Yes?"

"You okay?" Daeron questioned

"Just watching aemond train."

"When are you going to get married?" Daeron questioned.

"Did aemond you up to that?" Daelia mused.

"Mum asked. Helaena is making a new dress for Jaea, but said shes going to outgrow it before your wedding if you keep pushing it..."

"Aemond! Daeron is turning into your mother!" Daelia called out. Aemond smiled running over to her. She shamelessly looked over his sweaty shirt less chest as he moved towards her. He reached for his eyepatch but daelia stuck it under her thigh.

"What?" Aemond countered running his hands over her thighs. He watched the way her blue dress shifted under his touch.

"I like this look. Makes you look more masculine and dangerous. The shirtless look that is. Your sapphire well-" she touched her own sapphire necklace. "We are connected." Aemond liked that a lot. Connected.

"It doesnt frighten you?" Aemond pondered leaning in so she could see the sapphire sparkle.

"It doesn't frighten me. It's empowering knowing that you are brave enough to keep going. Now you sparkle inside and out." Daelia informed him. Aemond leaned in the last little bit kissing her.

It was nice to be seen. He felt truly seen with daelia. Aemond loved that daelia wasn't embarrassed or ashamed to be with him. She always stood up for him. Even when no one else thought daelia knew he existed aemond knew that daelia cared about him even back then.

Now as their relationship grew Aemond could not wait to marry her.

Aemond was sweet on her. Opened doors for her, kissed her cheek, pulled out chairs for her and always held her hand when they walked.

Aemond was always a gentleman while criston was... Gods Criston.

Daelia stood in her night dress the rain sprinkling onto her skin dampening the fabric. She watched the moon and stars and didn't notice criston come in. He stood a long while staring at her as she soaked in the moonlight. She heard the floorboards shift and glanced over her shoulder. She noticed cristons eyes dropped to her lace trimmed clevage. Daelia took a step closer to him as he watched her shamelessly.

"You have no idea what it does to me to see your nipples hard, begging me to play with them." As if wanting more attention, they pulled painfully tight, sensitive to even the slightest movement against the silk of her dress. Gods she ached. 

"Probably the same thing it does to me to see your cock so hard," Daelia sassed back, pointedly looking at the large bulge against his pants. He shifted, widening his legs, and her mouth watered.

"Then do something about it."

"I would but you would torment me again." Daelia countered strutting off to bed.


Daelia draped her arms around Aemond kissing him fiercely. His arms wrapped around her and she lifted her feet from the ground and pulled herself into him. Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist. Her dress shifted up her thighs at the action.

Have them both. Yes. She could have them both. She didn't see what the problem was. Plenty of rulers had a mistress. Extra lovers, some had multiple spouses even. She just had to convince one of them, and the other would surely follow suit.

She did love Aemond but he was a boy. She was ready for a man.  

Criston fave her the perfect opening too. He presented her with the gold laced edition of a stunning book. She touched the little dragon on the front.

He said it was just because. She liked that he was giving her something just for the hell of it. Not because it was a name day. Because he wanted to give her something because he was thinking of her. Because when he wasn't with her, he saw some thing that she might like and was thinking of her. Thinking about her. Wanting to kiss her? Wanting her to be with him? She pictured him picking out this book, pictured him smiling down at it, thinking my daelia would love this.

Daelia Loved that he was thinking of her.

"Thank you."daelia answered.  Setting the book back in the box, she was quick to straddle his lap, wrap her arms around his neck, and thoroughly kiss him.

"What are you doing?" Cristion said in a husky voice as she slid off his lap and knelt before him, her hands working the belt to his pants. "I didn't buy you that so that you'd ..." He paused and drew in a long breath when her hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. "I'm just..." he fumbled with his words as he watched her "...saying you don't have to ... fuuuck ..." He closed his eyes when her mouth replaced her hand.

Daelia, his princess on her knees for him, this was so scandalous but he found he quite liked a scandalous daelia. He relaxed his body against the back of the chair, tipping his eyes up to the ceiling as his eyes rolled back he had to maintain his composure as he lost himself to her rhythm for the next few minutes. One hand pumps and twists along his length while the other cupped his balls with light pressure, it was intoxicating her lips teasing him. Intoxicated him. He had to ball his hands up tightly to stop himself from reaching under the table and fisting her hair, shoving those plump lips around his cock deeper.

Criston cleared his throat taking another sip of wine and choked on it when her lips met his cock. He tensed and aimed his hips upward to meet her. Daelia playing with him, taunting him. All criston wanted was to kiss her full lips.

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now