When the SpiderWolf Howls...

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SpiderMan was facing off against Scorpion when something slammed into the bug-villain

SpiderWolf: Back.off.

Scorpion: Okay! Okay, okay, ma'am. (Runs for his life)

SpiderWolf transformed into her human form and was about to swing off when...

SpiderMan: wait!

SpiderMan POV

This girl just saved my life. She has a web-shooter, too! She just looked at me and was about to shoot a web to get away when...

SpiderMan: Wait!

She looked surprised because her lenses were widened. She stopped the web.

????: yes?

SpiderMan: you know, you need a superhero license! Where is 🎵iiiiiiit?🎵

????: (offended) Well, I'm sorry I saved your life!

SpiderMan: N-No offense, of course! I'm thankful that you saved my life! Very thankful!

????: thought so.

SpiderMan: hey! What's your name? Will we see each other again?!

????: I have a feeling we are, Spidey. and it's SpiderWolf.(swings off)

SpiderMan: guess I'm not fighting alone after all. There's another person like me. Well... I have a feeling we're going to see each other again in the future... When the SpiderWolf Howls...

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now