Hobgoblin part 1: Time to Run!

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It has been a while since the spider virus was cured and everyone is cleaning up and moving on. WhiteWolf is missing, probably hiding in the shadows. They've literally looked for her everywhere. Harry is very concerned about his father, not to mention his sister who had amnesia. Today, WhiteWolf was just trying to avoid everyone. That hasn't been easy since the spider virus was cured and everyone heard of WhiteWolf ditching SpiderMan. They couldn't believe their ears! She heard some sounds of fighting. She looked outside and much to her surprise she saw the same red and blue hero guy who fought alongside her and some others attacking New York! What was his name? "SpiderMan"? Not only that, he was with Ock! When did SpiderMan turn evil!? WhiteWolf was super confused. They all left and before the police noticed WhiteWolf she hid. She did not want to be found by anyone, especially the police.

WhiteWolf: SpiderMan turned rogue?... hmmm... guess not all nice guys turn out to be nice...

And she vanished once again before the police found her. A few hours later when she was sleeping she woke up to the sound of yelling

WhiteWolf: (startled) Who yelled?!

She quickly went outside and saw...Harry hanging on the cliff and SpiderMan about to kill him.

WhiteWolf: WHAT?! isn't Harry his best friend?!

Hobgoblin: (distant) Peter, please! It's me, Harry! Even after everything, your still my best friend!

SpiderMan proceeded to kick Harry off the edge

Harry: Don't- (he kicks Harry) AHHHH!!!

WhiteWolf: NO!

WhiteWolf jumped and was able to grab Harry and SpiderMan pulled them both up before he almost collapsed due to the pain the mind-control device caused him.

WhiteWolf: Spidey?

Harry: you okay?!

Harry looked at WhiteWolf in surprise.

Harry: Sis? Are you... you?...

WhiteWolf smiled at him with a dog-like grin. She wasn't WhiteWolf anymore... she was SpiderWolf.

Harry: Sis! You remember me?

WhiteWolf: hello, Harry.

Harry and SpiderWolf hug each other. Ock scoffed in annoyance.

Ock: You may have bested one of my Sinister Six but you will never beat us all!

SpiderWolf and Harry: It's not about winning! It's about doing the right thing!

Ock: you fools! It's always about winning! (Rhino groans and charges at them but SpiderMan webs his face)

SpiderMan: if you all can't play nice, then you shouldn't play at all!

Ock: you overcame my mind-control? thats scientifically impossible!

SpiderMan: maybe your "inventions" aren't as good as you think!

They fought a little and SpiderWolf tore a piece off Spider Slayer. My god, it felt so good to be back! SpiderWolf gasped as she heard someone slam into a building.

SpiderMan: Harry!

SpiderMan looked at Doc Ock.

SpiderWolf: Leave him alone!

SpiderWolf went to SpiderMan's side and they shot doc ock with their webs but missed

Ock: your aim is terrible!

SpiderMan: Maybe...

SpiderWolf: ...but we weren't aiming at you!

Ock turned and saw the mind control devices get taken off of everyone except Rhino.

Spider slayer: Doc ock..

Vulture: he did this!

Ock: do not betray me! I helped you achieve greatness!

Soon all the villains chased Doc Ock and Rhino

SpiderMan ran to check on Harry and helicopters came. SpiderWolf explained what happened to the news AND the police.

SpiderWolf: have a good day, Chief Watanabe.

Chief Watanabe: you too, SpiderWolf. Glad your feeling better and have your memory back.

SpiderWolf: I'm glad I'm better too, Chief. I gotta go check on my friend. Bye!

SpiderWolf jumped up to Harry and SpiderMan. She helped Harry stand up on top of his hoverboard and as soon as she transformed into her human form (with her costume on) she joined them on the hoverboard. Soon they were flying back to the Academy.

Norman: I saw what happened on the news. You were magnificent, Harry.

SpiderWolf frowned and fake-coughed.

Norman: you too, Jessica.

SpiderWolf unmasked herself (just cuz she wanted to) and smiled at Norman.

Jessica: thanks...dad.

Norman smiled at Jessica.

Jessica: (to Spidey) once 'round the city?

SpiderMan: Meet-cha there, Jess! I gotta talk with Harry first!

Jessica: Okay, thats fine!(puts her mask on and swings out)

Ten minutes later

SpiderMan: hey!

SpiderWolf: hey!

SpiderMan: It's really nice to have you back, Jess.

SpiderWolf: I'm glad to be back, Parker. No one else would be able look after you.

SpiderMan: Very funny, Wolfy!

SpiderWolf: (giggles) Shut up you goofball!

SpiderMan: No!

SpiderWolf: You better run!

SpiderMan: Okay!(swings off)

SpiderWolf swings after SpiderMan and they laugh while SpiderWolf chases SpiderMan. SpiderWolf could've swore she saw a few kids giggling. SpiderWolf finally pounced on SpiderMan and they fell on top of a building. They laughed when they fell.

SpiderMan: not faaaair! Wolves can very easily pounce on their prey...!

SpiderWolf: that just makes you my prey!

SpiderMan: ...uh-oh.

SpiderWolf: Your just lucky I'm not pure wolf.

SpiderMan: yeah, very lucky....hey, SpiderWolf?...

SpiderWolf: yeah?

SpiderMan: how did you regain your memories?

SpiderWolf: ...I-I don't know, I guess seeing you mind-controlled and Harry falling to his death, I guess that got my memory back cause one by one I started remembering everyone... (has a flashback of her memories coming back) I saw Dad, Max, Anya, Harry, Gwen, Miles, Aunt May... but what really brought me back... was you...I-I...I love you...(blushes)

SpiderMan: (blushes) I love you too, Wolfy.

They smiled at each other. They spent the rest of the night with each other.

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora