Bring It On! part 3

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Skipping part 2

Villain after villain. The villains won't stop coming. They have one goal, capture SpiderMan. But SpiderWolf is making that hard for them. When SpiderMan is in trouble, it's SpiderWolf who comes save the red and blue hero. The two heroes have wondered, why are there so many villains, and why are they only targeting SpiderMan? The past villains have targeted SpiderWolf too, but this time the villains have only targeted SpiderMan. It couldn't be a coincidence.

That's what Jessica was thinking when she was working on her project for the Horizon Open-House. No matter how many they defeat, there's always a new one lurking somewhere, just around the corner.

Jessica: Stupid. Useless. Dumb. Brain. Ugh! I just can't seem to figure out why villains keep on coming towards me and Peter! I promised to him that I would find out and I don't want to let him down.

Jessica then heard an explosion, and then screams.

Jessica banged her head on the table as she looks at the window in annoyance. Then she looked at her costume, and it looks like her wolf form responded to it too because she already started to change.

Jessica stopped the change and got on her costume, She went in a secret passage way as Jessica, then when she got out of the building, followed by a sapphire flash, came out SpiderWolf.

SpiderWolf ran across the sidewalk to get towards the emergency. SpiderWolf bit her leg because she forgot about the web shooters, then transformed and webbed her way towards the fight.

SpiderWolf blushed bright red when she saw SpiderMan half naked. SpiderWolf hid behind a building and buried her face in her hands.

SpiderWolf: Okay Jessica, get your thoughts under control! It's just your boyfriend.....naked. Girls always see their boyfriends naked... haha.... Ummm.. man he's hot- No not now... he is in trouble because one of those villains are after him, don't let your love get in the way of your superhero duties!!

SpiderWolf peeked again despite her bright red face and swung into the fight. When the creepy halloween villain was about to cut Spidey's web, she transformed and pinned him down. As a result he struggled to get out of her grasp.

SpiderWolf: Spidey! You okay?!

SpiderMan: Y-Yeah Wolfy! I'm fine! Just... stuck between a rock and a hard place!

SpiderWolf: I'm coming!

SpiderWolf webbed the villain up and shot her web towards the school bus and pulled it up, and then helped Spidey.

Man: Thank you SpiderWolf, and SpiderMan, are you going to be in that costume forever? It's making us and your partner uncomfortable.

It was true, SpiderWolf's hands were on her face to hide the fact that she was blushing so hard you could see it through her mask. SpiderMan smirked at this.

SpiderMan: You think I'm hot like this Wolfy?~

SpiderWolf: Yes- No- I mean......I love you?

Man #2: So you are dating! I knew it!!

SpiderWolf: UM.....BYE!!

SpiderWolf swung off, not giving SpiderMan a chance to say goodbye back.

SpiderMan: .....Bye, I guess...

When she got home she buried her face into her pillow as soon as she unmasked herself.

Jessica: Calm down Jessica... it's just your boyfriend.....naked...... girls always see their boyfriends naked........right............?

She was thanking the gods that Harry was in Europe or he would be rolling on the floor, laughing his head off because of her embarrassment.

Jessica: I know I should've stuck around to help Spidey with that Halloween guy...... but newsflash, he was naked and I ......... couldn't....take it.....

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora