I Love You, and Only You

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Summer was here. It came, school is out. It has been a month since they met Jasmine, she is the rogue type of heroine, which is fine. Peter wrote down the "Summer vacation to-do list" He checked off 'the best friends at the beach' box, he had to ditch that because of Black Cat, he figured he'd have to spend some time with DarkWolf to get her used to him, but he can deal with that later, right now all he wanted to do was have a date with Jessica, Harry would probably be spending time with Jasmine anyways. Right now they are doing the last thing, they are camping, which DarkWolf has very strangely not done that before. They were shocked when they heard that and explained it to her. Now Jasmine is taking a bite of a s'more.

Jasmine: mmm! You guys are right, this is so delicious!

Miles: I know right? S'mores are the best!

Jessica: there's a very thick line between pizzas and s'mores.

Miles: PIZZAS?! Were you raised in a barn!? PIZZAS are GROSS, s'mores are DELICIOUS. Right, Peter?

Hearing no reaction to his question, Jessica starts to get worried, her sapphire eyes meeting his forest green eyes.

Jessica: Peter? You alright?

Peter: well... you know how I made a Summer Vacation to do list?

They all nod

Peter: I never got to do anything on it...(sigh)

Jessica put her hand on his shoulder.

Jessica: Pete, it's okay.

Anya: Yeah! we're camping, right? Wasn't that on your list?

Peter: (sigh) I guess.

Jessica stared at him with concern in her sapphire eyes.

Anya: we're going to bed before Miles starts up again, coming, Jas?

Jasmine: coming!

Jasmine followed Anya and Gwen inside the tent

Jessica: It's gonna be okay, Peter... like it always is...

Peter: yeah... I guess.

Jessica: i'm going inside... goodnight!

Peter: night...

Jessica: I'm gonna need a better goodnight then that

Peter: how?

Jessica: this.

Jessica kisses his cheek and goes to her tent. Peter blushes a hot pink and smiles at the direction where Jessica went.

Peter: (lovestruck) she's so amazing...

Peter put out the fire and went inside his and Jessica's tent.

Jessica POV

I twisted and turned as I was having a nightmare

I saw Peter.

Jessica: hey Peter!

I waved at him, but there was Jasmine as well. I was shocked at what I saw. Peter and Jasmine had kissed! Without them even noticing I was here!

Jessica: wh-what?....No... no!

Jessica: NOO!

Peter: whoa, whoa whoa, Jess what's wrong? It's okay, like you said, it's fine, your fine...

Jessica: Peter I had a nightmare...

Peter: how bad...? What was it about?

Jessica: (sigh) I was walking... I saw you... I waved at you but you didn't wave back. I looked closer and there was Jasmine. You weren't talking to each other, you were kissing her!

I let my tears flow. Suddenly I felt Peter's hand touch my cheek.

Peter: Jessica, I'm so sorry. But that nightmare will never become reality because I will never kiss another girl... besides you... because I love you and you only...

Jessica: r- really?

Peter: yes, Jessica please don't cry, I will always be here for you...

Peter dried my tears as I smiled at him. We passionately kissed and it was a soft kiss. we pulled away

Peter: my heart belongs to only you....

We later went to sleep. I felt comfort knowing that Jasmine is just a friend to Peter and Peter is just a friend to her... I could only hope...

Jasmine POV

I smelt something good the next day and we went out. We saw Jessica and Peter together making breakfast.

Anya: morning lovebirds~

Jessica: Anya please shut up!

Anya: no.

Jessica: Ugh

Peter: Hey, everyone. I wanted to say sorry for being all moody last night... I forgot that I was already having the perfect summer... spending time with all of you.

My eyes widened. But thankfully no one noticed. How was
Peter having the perfect summer, but everything bad happened during the summer?...everyone talked to Peter and ate breakfast.

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