Spider Island part 1: Crazy Day

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It was a crazy day for WhiteWolf as she thought more about the guy who somehow knew her name. The red and blue hero must know too. The guy's son does too! How do all these people know her name?!? Has she seen them before? She doesn't think so...she had only met Ock, the sinister six, and Jackal and those people ... only once.

Well, this adventure makes it twice when WhiteWolf decided to help save New York from the StealthSpider.

What happened:

WhiteWolf saw SpiderMan, Kid Arachnid, and SpiderGwen all having trouble with StealthSpider. She saved SpiderMan from plummeting to his death

SpiderMan: Wolfy!

WhiteWolf let him fall

SpiderMan: (on the floor) Ow!

WhiteWolf: something I can do to help?

SpiderGwen:...sure, can you put together that red wire with the blue wire, and then add the yellow wire to it and then I will do the code

WhiteWolf: ...okay.

WhiteWolf saw multiple Red wires

WhiteWolf: Gah! You did say it was the red wire right?!

SpiderGwen: that one, right there!

WhiteWolf puts the red, blue, and yellow wires together and it electrocutes the computer a bit just enough for SpiderGwen to defuse the bomb

SpiderGwen: yes!

SpiderGwen high-fives with WhiteWolf and goes to help Kid Arachnid and SpiderMan. They defeat the StealthSpider

SpiderGwen: Yes! We did it! Together!

Kid Arachnid: Yes! SpiderWolf, high five!

WhiteWolf:... (walks off)

SpiderGwen: she doesn't remember who we are, remember?

Kid Arachnid: Oh...right...

Before she can leave, SpiderMan stopped her

SpiderMan: wait!

WhiteWolf: What?

SpiderMan: I just wanted to say thank you for helping out today

WhiteWolf: No problem, I don't want the whole city torn apart after all

SpiderMan: I just-

The StealthSpider transformed into a spider monster, making them yell and it destroys a news copter but WhiteWolf saves the people inside

Person: Nice doggy...

WhiteWolf: thanks?... I gotta go

She left

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now