A Wolfy Miracle... or not

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(During Rise of Doc Ock part 4)

Peter had told Harry all about Jessica dying and how she was SpiderWolf. He lied and said he was watching through a window instead of being SpiderMan. Harry was devestated and told Norman, who was also devastated. Peter blamed himself for not being able to save SpiderWolf in time, especially when he found out she was Jessica...

Today, Peter has a theory that the Jackal in prison was a clone. Peter connected the dots and saw that had something to do with SpiderWolf. But what? What could the Jackal want from her? Well he'd be devastated to find out she's dead. Maybe he already knows. Maybe she isn't dead after all. Who knows?

Peter, Harry, and Gwen all went to an empty warehouse. In there, they heard a way too familiar growl. Not Jackal. When they looked, no one was there.

Unknowingly to them, two sunshine yellow eyes were glaring at them, giving a low snarl and they 'accidentally'  made the alarm go off under Jackal's orders

Harry: Wahhhhh!

Gwen: run!

They all went for the exist. Unfortunately, Peter didn't make it out. He was face to face with lasers.

Peter: this would be so much easier if Wolfy was here!

The yellow eyes watched with shock as Peter fought the lasers, his fighting style was almost like SpiderMan's. It was the yellow eyes' turn to try to kill Peter and she went down, revealing a white fluffy wolf. Peter looked at her with fear in his eyes. The wolf sighed and left.

Wolf: [thinking] I couldn't do it... something pulled me back. The fear, maybe? I'm so confused. He acted like he knew me from somewhere. Who was he?

The wolf went down into a lab and a sapphire flash was made. The wolf was now a human, beat up and covered in dirt. A way too familiar human...

Jessica came out of the shadows.

Jackal: Ahhhh... Jessica... how nice of you to join..

Jessica: shut up Jackal.

Jackal: that's no way to treat your master is it?

Jessica: i know it's not I just got a lot on my mind.

Jackal: well forget about those thoughts and focus on how you SPARED...THE...BOY!

Jessica: I'm sorry, okay?! I just couldn't do it! Something held me back! If it didn't he would be dead by now I swear! I swear on my life!

Jackal: I see... huh?

Peter, Gwen, and Harry were in Jackal's old lab.


Jessica: alright, alright... (transforms into wolf) I'm on it, jeez...

Jessica left as SpiderWolf or who Jackal now calls her WhiteWolf. She spied on the humans.

Gwen: You are not the person I thought you were, Uncle Raymond. I wonder how far back this goes...

Jessica followed them and kept a close eye on all of them. Peter and Harry were arguing

Harry: Just like you played me with SpiderMan, I played you that I'm working with my dad.

Jessica rolled her eyes and went to check out the girl. Gwen was checking out the Jackal Clones.

Jessica: [thinking] not good... I got to tell this to Jackal.

Jessica ran back and told Jackal everything. They heard a sound and Jackal told her to take care of it. She ran towards the source and immediately dodged when a debris was coming for her. She checked it out and saw a red and blue superhero battling the clones

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now