Spider Island part 5: Time to Survive

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WhiteWolf and SpiderMan were being held hostage by the Jackal.

20 minutes later

WhiteWolf, SpiderMan, and Harry have arrived at a lab which the monsters haven't found yet. Norman was unconscious. WhiteWolf hadn't known this man for a long time, but... she felt bad. She felt bad for Harry, she couldn't imagine how he must be feeling right now.

They were talking about using SpiderMan's blood as a cure, but it would leave SpiderMan in a weakened state, but they're safe... for now, WhiteWolf knew Jackal would make a comeback. Anya and Miles (WhiteWolf just figured out his name) left. Harry was about to leave too but Peter stopped him.

Peter: I really am sorry, Harry.

Harry knew what face WhiteWolf was making behind that mask and nodded. She left them alone.

Anya: hey, Jessica?

WhiteWolf: Yeah?

Anya: When did you start working for the Jackal? It got me super confused since your very loyal to SpiderMan and is usually trying to kick the villain's butt!

WhiteWolf: I don't know what your talking about. I have always been loyal to the Jackal, not SpiderMan.

Anya: No you haven't! YOU were always the one to defend SpiderMan from Harry, YOU were always the one to give SpiderMan the benefit of the doubt, YOU stood by his side until the end! How do you not know what I'm talking about!?

WhiteWolf: I just don't. I swear, I don't remember anything about that.

Anya made a disappointed face. This meant Jessica had amnesia the day everyone thought she died. Jackal probably manipulated her into thinking SpiderMan was the enemy, not Jackal. He maybe also renamed her WhiteWolf and taught her to be evil instead of good. But at least she still has some good in her, Anya confirmed that when she was able to get to her when she was Mind-controlled by the Jackal.

Anya: Oh, okay...

They only had one thought. Awkward.

Anya sighed. How is she supposed to get her friend's memory back? Convince her that she was always SpiderWolf, not WhiteWolf? Well, one problem. SpiderWolf can be stubborn. Part wolf or not. WhiteWolf can be too. She was taught to be evil after all.

Suddenly, a spider monster tried to pry the back door open.

WhiteWolf: [thinking] No! Not today, monsters...!

Anya, WhiteWolf, Harry, and a weakened SpiderMan protected themselves from the monsters and ran to a lab. Miles cured the monster that was chasing them and it slowly transformed back into a person.

WhiteWolf: How many labs are in this building!?

Harry: You should know, you lived here after all.

Anya: (shakes her head "no")

Harry: what's the deal?

Anya and Harry walk away from the others

Anya: I think I figured out why Jessica is acting so crazy; she had amnesia the day everyone thought she died.

Harry: and the Jackal manipulated her... my sister...

Anya: at least there's some good in her. Maybe we'll be able to get her memories back!

Harry: you think?

Anya: Yeah, I think! Maybe we can get our friend back!

SpiderMan: um, guys! If your done chatting, Miles put some of the cure into the lab so he could further test on it.

Anya: (to Miles) oh my gosh I could kiss you!

WhiteWolf snickered. Miles chuckled sheepishly.

Anya: (blushes once she realizes what she said) shut up Jessica!

WhiteWolf: No.

Anya: what about you and Peter!?

SpiderMan blushed out of embarrassment and was SO thankful for the mask. WhiteWolf could've swore she blushed too but of course she didn't know what that meant.

WhiteWolf: We have only known each other for a few weeks!

SpiderMan: months.

WhiteWolf: (rolls eyes) say what you like.

Harry: Lets go!

They cure the city, but... they're barely making a dent

WhiteWolf: Man! What will it take to cure this city!?

SpiderMan: we're barely making a dent!

Time skip, to the end of the episode-

Wolfy, Spidey, and Harry are inside the Osborn Academy. Spidey made a plan to spread the cure using the bomb but Harry disagreed and tried to defuse it. WhiteWolf sighed.

SpiderMan carries a reluctant Harry out of the Academy along with WhiteWolf.

WhiteWolf: [Thinking] The cure is spread, the virus is gone. Time for me to ditch these two while I still can.

WhiteWolf: byeeeee!

Before Peter-who unmasked himself- could say something to stop her, she was gone. Peter and Harry talked about the Academy and Harry told Peter to leave. Peter obeyed and met Anya, a changed Gwen, and Miles at an alley

Anya: where's Harry?

SpiderMan: I...I think he's checking on his dad...

Miles: what about Jessica?

SpiderMan: she ditched us.

Anya: WHAT?!

SpiderMan: yeah. Guess she wasn't ready to become one of us.

Then it got silent.


Anya: I swear ima kill that girl when I find her.

Everyone backed up from Anya, even Gwen. Unknowingly to them, WhiteWolf had been watching everything. She winced when Anya said she was going to kill WhiteWolf, but she knew Anya wasn't serious. WhiteWolf didn't know why she ditched Peter and Harry. She just wasn't ready, like SpiderMan said, to become one of them. She wasn't ready to be in a pack just yet.

WhiteWolf: I'm sorry...

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