The Day of the Newbies

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They were chasing a thief. Miles, DarkWolf, and SpiderGirl all jumped down from the roof.

Miles: We take high, you take low!

SpiderGirl webbed the thief's stomach, while DarkWolf and Miles webbed the thief's hands.

Miles: Now why would you want this, Mr. Purse Snatcher? It's clearly not your style.

SpiderGirl: How can you joke when fighting crime is so serious?

Miles: According to Spidey, it distracts the bad guys and it makes the people you rescue feel safe.

DarkWolf: Umm.... Miles, I don't think Spidey ever jokes just to  do that. I think he jokes just because he wants to annoy SpiderWolf. Oh, and I'll take that purse thank you very much.

DarkWolf snatched the purse from the thief.

SpiderGirl: Agreed, Dark.

DarkWolf: Wait, wait, wait. Is that really my nickname now?

SpiderGirl: Yes. But where is SpiderMan anyway? Wasn't he going to train me to control these spider powers too?

DarkWolf looked up into the sky.

DarkWolf: Yes, now that I think about it, I haven't seen SpiderWolf either. It's like the day without the two more experienced heroes.

Miles: SpiderMan and SpiderWolf are probably off doing Avenger-level stuff or something. Besides- I could spider coach you just as well as they could.

DarkWolf: Where is SpiderMan when we need him?

Miles: Hey!

They left the thief to the Police. Then they saw Scorpion attacking Gwen. DarkWolf wasn't too attached to the blonde girl herself. Gwen wasn't who DarkWolf would call one of her closest friends.

But... Gwen is literally her mentor's best friend...

If your confused, Jessica and Jasmine's bond is sort of like a mentor-protégé type of bond. Sure Jasmine has had her wolf-spider powers for......thirteen, carry the two..... one year longer than Jessica and Peter had been SpiderMan and SpiderWolf, there are so many things the human experiment doesn't know in the world. So.....yeah.

Time skip~~~~~~

Scorpion was holding DarkWolf in his tail. He knows that SpiderMan and his wolf/girlfriend won't ignore this.

Scorpion: SpiderMan, SpiderWolf!!! I know you're out there, web-head and fur brains!! If you don't show your faces in one minute, I'll crush y'all's little assistant here!! 

DarkWolf: Assistant!?

Then Miles came to her rescue

Miles: LET...HER...GO!!

Five minutes later Gwen destroyed the Blood Gem. DarkWolf sighed as the black wolf-part-girl knew that Gwen was right behind them.

Gwen: Wow, nice to know you guys care so much.

DarkWolf: Wasn't the destruction of the blood gem supposed to take away your powers?

Gwen: I guess being right at the explosion I absorbed a massive amount of it's energy.

SpiderGirl: So you're thinking you became your own power source? Intense.

Gwen: I'd have to research that later. For now, let's-

DarkWolf: Scorpion, (fake cough) Tinkerer, (fake cough) Prison? Now?

Gwen: Oh right. Wow, we took down two villains in this area.

Miles: We had to...I mean, SpiderMan never showed... even after Scorpion called him out.

SpiderGirl: Which is weird, right? Even for SpiderMan.

Miles: Yeah...(exchanges worried glances with DarkWolf)....very weird.

When Jasmine was back at home, she heard grunts of effort and a 'oh come on' at where Harry/Jessica's office is supposed to be. Jasmine slowly climbed up the stairs and saw a door open up to reveal....

Jasmine: Mr. Harry Osborn, care to explain?

Harry looked at her with wide, silver eyes

Harry: (nervously) Heh....Hey, Jas....

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now