What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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I am currently having this song stuck in my head

Horizon High is having a dance in honor of Harry, who has been suspended for something he didn't do and then he came back today. Peter is happy because he finally has an opportunity to ask out Jessica, after years of having a crush on her. He could only hope she felt the same way.

Then again, he does also have a crush on SpiderWolf. Certainly SpiderWolf, his partner in crime and Jessica, his best friend couldn't be the same person... could they?

Peter: hey, Jessica? Can I ask you something?

Jessica: Hey, Peter! Yes, you can! In fact, I want to ask you something too!

This was it. Jessica could finally have the opportunity to ask Peter out and take control of the operation.

Peter: Okay, should we say it at the same time?

Jessica: Yeah. Ready? 1, 2, 3...

Peter and Jessica: Will you go to the dance with me? Yes! Of course! Jinx! (Laughs)

Jessica: meet you at the dance?

Peter: sure.

Jessica went home to put on a dress

Jessica went home to put on a dress

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Jessica: (to Anya) So... how do I look?

Anya: Peter's going to faint! You look beautiful, Jessica! Let me just add something...

Anya: Peter's going to faint! You look beautiful, Jessica! Let me just add something

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Anya: Peter's Definitely going to FAINT when he sees you!

Jessica: Not literally, I hope.

Anya: Yeah, not literally.

Jessica went back into her room to look at the mirror. She was gorgeous.

She went to the dance. Peter thought he was dreaming. She looked so freaking beautiful...

Peter: wow...

Jessica: So?...

Peter: I love it...

Jessica: I'm glad. You look handsome too. (Blushes when she realizes what she just said)

Peter: (blushes redder then his mask)

The dance started.

Harry announced he was going to stay at Horizon High. Jessica was disappointed that they all weren't going to be at the same school, but she respected his decision. The dance began again until a Rhino appeared.

Students: Ahhhhh!!!

Jessica: Everybody, out! Now!

Student#1: What about you?!

Jessica: I'm right behind you! Go!

Jessica changed into her superhero clothes and went to fight this rhinoceros.

SpiderWolf: hey, Freight Train!

SpiderWolf pounced on Rhino. Rhino roared in her face.

SpiderWolf: Ugh, morning breath?

SpiderWolf bit his arm and he passed out. SpiderMan arrived on the scene.

SpiderMan: Awww... I didn't get to do anything!

SpiderWolf: next time come here faster!

Time skip| An hour later

They have defeated Rhino and Gwen's uncle, Raymond Warren, turned out to be the Jackal and experimenting on teenagers.

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now