You're Like Me

18 0 0

(Before How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation)

SpiderWolf was battling a villain on her own. Why? Cause Peter was grounded for possibly getting killed when Aunt May figured out he was trying to battle the spider monsters. "He could've gotten hurt!" she had said.

SpiderWolf dodged the villain's attacks and let out one of her own. She ducked to a blast and by the way, this villain was Solar, who threatened to make it always daytime. Basically, no more nighttime if he won.

SpiderWolf: You...are...over! (Lunges at him)

Solar: (sarcastically) Ahhhh, I'm so scared (smirks) YOUR OVER!!!

SpiderWolf: Oh no, ahhhh!

???: MOVE!!!

A black wolf pushed SpiderWolf out of the way, the black wolf saved itself too. SpiderWolf heard growling and she put her head up and saw the black wolf. Her ears flicked twice in surprise.

Solar: (in fear it's a pure wolf and not like SpiderWolf) nice doggy! Nice doggy!! Ahhhhh! (Leaves)

???: (howls at him for about two minutes, then turns to SpiderWolf) are you okay?

SpiderWolf: I'm fine, who are you?

???: I'm Ja-- Uh, DarkWolf! I'm DarkWolf.

SpiderWolf: nice to meet you, DarkWolf. Wait, most wolves can't talk.

DarkWolf transforms into her human form. SpiderWolf's eyes widened in surprise as DarkWolf had holes on her costume (I didn't add this in the picture cuz that would take a lot of editing) and some scratches as her costume had a gap between one place and another. SpiderWolf transformed. DarkWolf's eyes widened this time

DarkWolf and SpiderWolf: (in unison) Your like me.

DarkWolf never seen another like her. Is this SpiderWolf, the Wolf HE talked about?

DarkWolf:........Um, hi...?

SpiderWolf: hello.

Awkward silence-
More awkward silence-
Even more awkward silence-
The two had hesitated a moment too long, as Solar came back realizing that DarkWolf wasn't a pure wolf

Solar: I'm baaaaaaack!!

SpiderWolf: Shoot! We need to work together, DarkWolf!

DarkWolf: don't have to tell me twice! What's the plan!?

SpiderWolf: (whispers the plan in DarkWolf's ear)

DarkWolf: (whispering) Hm... uh-huh... yeah... good plan.

SpiderWolf: thanks.

DarkWolf ran towards Solar and skid to a stop.

DarkWolf: Hey, Solar! I think you need to chill, Buddy!

Solar: you dare mock the Amazing Solar!? YOU WILL PAY!!!

DarkWolf: Pay for what? (She dodges a fireball) I don't have any money on me!

DarkWolf was giggling.

DarkWolf: [thinking while dodging fireballs] This is the most funnest battle I ever had in my life!


DarkWolf: Whoa! (Dodges a fireball) NOW!!!

SpiderWolf jumps up from the building she was on and webs Solar's fireball blaster. Solar's eyes glow red before DarkWolf shoots Solar's eyes with webs.

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now