DarkWolf and Miles's Rescue

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DarkWolf was swinging across the city, then Jessica caught her eye. Jessica was looking at them with wide lenses. DarkWolf looked away from her while Miles was chatting with Peter, and Peter must've hung up.

DarkWolf: Miles is this actually a good idea?

Miles: Of course it is besides Peter's counting on us..

DarkWolf: Meh... wasn't too fond of Peter to begin with.

Miles: Seriously, Jas?! Honestly, why do you have a heart of ice to begin with?

Then when DarkWolf's lenses became smaller, he knew that it was a hurt look behind her mask.

Miles: I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

DarkWolf: It's fine....I don't care.

Miles looked on with worry as DarkWolf swung ahead him.


DarkWolf, in her wolf form, was sniffing around in a building, trying to find evidence for SpiderMan. DarkWolf then shook her head.

Miles: No evidence? Come on! Spidey's gonna kill me!

Living Brain: What is a Spidey?

DarkWolf tripped over her own paws and fell into another room. Nothing a wolf couldn't jump over. But then she heard something interesting. Something like someone putting stuff together.

This is Oscorp...Jessica? No.. one of the Security Guards?

Then she heard the person's voice

??: Oh come on!

Her eyes widened. Didn't she hear that voice from the cameras...?

Miles: It's okay, Dark. Living Brain can talk, just like a human being.

Hearing no reaction from his current partner-in-crimefighting, Miles jumped into the hole that DarkWolf was in.

Miles: Um... Dark? You okay?

DarkWolf snapped out of her thoughts

DarkWolf: Y-Yeah..yeah.

DarkWolf saw some of Harry's travel documents once she jumped out. And while Miles was distracted, she figured out he never really left New York. With wide eyes, DarkWolf stood up and closed the documents.

Then her spider sense stung her. DarkWolf looked to the right and saw Miles about to get shot.

DarkWolf: Look out!!!

DarkWolf shoved Miles aside and she was hit instead, thankfully, she wasn't unconscious but she was awake enough to see the Living Brain hit Miles unconscious.

DarkWolf got up and ran towards Miles in panic. Then she saw SpiderMan enter the scene.

DarkWolf: Spidey! How I am glad to see you! Miles is unconscious.

SpiderMan: I saw that. You okay?

DarkWolf: I'm fine. Erg... it's just my hand that hurts.

Then out of nowhere a piece of debris fell on DarkWolf, and knocked her out. Sadly...that was the last time she would ever see SpiderMan. The real SpiderMan.

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now