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Jenna is sitting on your couch, looking around while you sit other side of the couch. Silent. You try your best not to look at her when she looks at the ceiling ''Do you want something, maybe coffee?'' you ask, breaking the silence ''No thanks'' she says, you give her a smile. Jenna plays with her wedding ring ''i didn't come here just because the work'' she says out of nowhere, getting your full attention ''i came here to escape'' she turns her head to look at you.

''Escape from what?'' she shows her wedding ring ''from this'' her hand finds it way back to her lap ''It became too much, i didn't have much free time. Whenever i came from work she wanted all my attention'' you listen her carefully as she tells you her story. ''Plus the kid hates me more than anything'' kid? she has a fucking kid too? ''K-kid?'' you ask confused. ''Oh it's not mine, she had her when she was seventeen, we met when we were 20'' So the kid is now seven.

''It takes time, you came to her life'' you tell her not really knowing what to say ''I guess so but still it's hard, everytime we are alone she would literally looks at me like she wants to kill me'' you let out a chuckle ''she is seven, she is just a kid'' she buries her face to her hands as she groans. You bite your bottom lip ''you know there was a chance of you becoming a real parent'' she turns her head towards you, furrowing her brows.

''The day of our graduation?'' she thinks for few seconds until she nods her head ''i did atleast five pregnancy tests when i got to California, everytime nervously waiting the two lines to come. It never came'' you look into her eyes, sadness can be seen in her eyes. ''If you had become pregnant, would you have told me?'' she asks, you open your mouth but no words comes out.

You look down at your hands ''I- i don't know, we promised to continue our lifes. It would have been hard to tell you'' you admit to her, when you feel tears come down your cheeks ''what's wrong?'' she asks as you wipe your tears away ''i- there is a chance that i-i can't get kids'' you look away from her, not wanting her to see your tears. ''What do you mean?'' you feel the couch shift until her hand touches yours.

''It was second year here, it was normal day and we got a call about man who acted weirdly. We came there and he was in another world. We tried to calm him down and give him something to calm him down. It happened so fast, i didn't feel anything until when i noticed blood dropping on the ground. I got stabbed on my lower abdomen, it damaged my uterus'' you wipe your tears before continuing

''The doctors tried to do their best to save it, they told me that there is high chance of me never getting pregnant'' that day your heart broke again, doing more damage to it. You have always wanted to have kids when you have job and you are old enough to take care of them, but now you don't even know if that's possible.

''I-i'm sorry y/n but there is a chance that you can get pregnant, right? Don't give up your hopes, maybe one day you get pregnant with your boyfriend'' you close your eyes when she says the word boyfriend. ''You are right but everytime i see the scar it's hard to think that i could get pregnant'' you put your hand over your lower abdomen. ''can i see it?'' she asks out of nowhere, you turn your head to face her.

She looks at you curiously when you slowly lift your shirt up, then little bit your shorts down to let her see it. It's not small, but it's not big either. You get shivers when her finger tips touches it, feeling how the skin is different there. She lifts her head up to look at you, locking her eyes with yours. ''I get sometimes pain waves there, it feels like i'm getting stabbed from the inside''

She hums as you put your shirt down and your shorts back to their original place. ''I-i'm sorry i just b-became curious'' you chuckle when she stutters ''it's fine'' you assure her. You hear movement from your bedroom, both of you turn to look how Rocky jumps down from the bed. He slowly makes his way to the living room, his tail wiggles when he sees Jenna.

High Schoolers // Jenna Ortega (G!P) x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now