A Peaceful Stroll

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I gather up my gun and holster with my license to carry and conceal. I get Ray jr read6 to go check out the neighborhood and see about getting food from the local grocery store. We have our rain suits and an umbrella just in case. I have met the lobby staff and they are aware of who I am already. I made a point to find out who worked in the building and get their photos and information. Mr Grey owns the building so he made sure that I got the information quickly. He was surprised by my asking for the information and happily sent it to me. Jason Taylor made his introductions to me and he told me that if I ever was concerned about a security issue or a strange person to give him a call and he would get it checked out. That made me ask him who he was exactly and he told me he was mr Greys head of security and he lives in the building as well and owns GEH. I chuckle and thank him.

I am grocery shopping with Sawyer and my list is long and it's taking a long time to locate the things I need. I have finally gotten everything I needed by asking the store owner for help. He apparently decided to assure he had ordered things that he had noticed that I usually bought and he put them back for my weekly grocery shopping. He offered to get the things ready for us and have it delivered, but I like the idea of choosing what we eat and then I feel like I am doing my job. Just as we are checking out I see a young girl waiting for the rain to stop and she has a stroller and a cart full of food. Her son is crying and she is trying to soothe him and I have Sawyer ask her if she needs a ride? He tries to persuade me against it, but I insisted. We get her and the baby seat off the stroller and get the boy inside and dry. We are able to get everything inside and I introduce myself to her and she tells me her name and her brothers name. I ask her where we can take her and she says Escala and I tell her that us where we are going as well. We knew a new tenant moved into the apartment on the ground floor. I tell her we work for mr Grey and he lives in the penthouse. We arrive and Sawyer helps her into her apartment with her items while I wait in the car. He was very quick about it and I see why. Elena has just arrived and I hate her. She hasn't noticed us yet, she has noticed Miss Steele and she is eying her. Sawyer saw it as well, he called the desk and warned them not to tell her anything about the residents new or old and he then gets in a drives us to the service elevator where we have help waiting for us to get the groceries unloaded and taken to the kitchen for me. He drives off after assuring that I am safely in the elevator. I noticed that the baby car seat is still in the car and he tells me he will get it back to Miss Steele after mrs Lincoln leaves.

Thomas Sawyer
I can't believe that witch actually showed up and in time to see the new resident of the building. Luckily she hadn't notice me and the car. I took everything inside her apartment very quickly. So quickly I forgot about her car seat for her brother. I call the front desk and tell them not to tell mrs Lincoln anything about any of the residents especially the newest one. I just know she is trying to get that information after seeing Miss Steele getting her mail from her boxes. She hasn't seen the boy yet, thank God. I arrive just in time to block him from being seen and get him into the apartment. No doubt Miss Steele noticed this and I gave her a warning about the older blonde lady and tell her to avoid her at all costs.

You mean the bleached blonde who at fifty something trying to be twenty one? Where does she get those outfits, I know where she gets her boobs and her face and neither are her real face or real boobs.

She says that whoever did them should be sued because the boobs aren't even even. Neither is her face. I laugh and advise her that Mrs Lincoln is dangerous and then she pulls her gun from her holster and says so am I. I laugh and tell her that Mrs Lincoln should be avoided at all costs anyway. She agrees to try to avoid her anyway. I get back to the car and see the car seat is still there but decide to give it to her later. We get to the service elevator and it is waiting with security to get things out for Gail and I go park the car and grab the car seat and look for sightings of Mrs Lincoln and see her nowhere and knock on miss Steele's door and she takes the car seat and thanks me again and closes the door.

I put the groceries away and give Ray Jr a cookie and a snippy cup of milk at his little table. I go to my laptop and look up mrs Lincoln, if a bodyguard is warning me about her being dangerous then I need to know why exactly. I email John and see if he can get more information on this woman. Soon he is sending me a number of tidbits about her. He says there is something off about her and to do as Sawyer asks and avoid her or shoot her lol. I know he is kidding, but he means if it comes down to it shoot her and make sure it looks like self defense.

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