Mia's Birthday

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I am being driven by my security Joshua James and he is fairly young looking, but is as young as he looks. He has been through hell and back during his short military career. He kind of reminds me of Jason Taylor the Head of security for mr Grey and GEH. He smiled once and that was when he met Ray Jr., Ray Jr. Has that effect on people. I bought Mia something simple and hopefully she will enjoy it. I will let her have the gift receipt so she can return it if she wishes to. Ray Jr. is with Brad tonight and they have plans to go out to dinner at a kids place. I have a limited access debit card that I gave Brad and Julie for whatever they might need for their trips out with Ray Jr. So here I am at the Grey mansion waiting for us to be allowed through the security gate. I finally am looking at the actual mansion and it is amazing. Not something that I would have for my home, but I have always lived in a nice big home, but this home is more than huge it is palatial. As I am let out of the car I am escorted to the party by a staff member who also gives my CPO directions on where to park and where he will be staying during our visit. We are escorted into the house and Joshua is directed to the security room by another household staff. I watch the direction he is headed and am escorted to the party which is outside and under tents. I am introduced to Carrick and Grace Grey. Mia comes up with her friends and introduces me to all of them. Kate, Lily, Leila, Gia and several others. It is her 17th birthday and she is enjoying herself. I placed her gift on the gift table and she introduced me to everyone. I then found out that she had told her friends where I owned an apartment. I didn't appreciate that at all. A few tried to get invited but I told them that I have a child and I didn't want him having a lot of strangers in the apartment. I just don't want a lot of people coming over because at their age it is more likely that they are hoping to have a huge party in my apartment. We all know those many vies where the teens go to a party when no adults are around and the house is destroyed and guys get their girls pregnant in the bedrooms or wherever. Drunken teens who don't care what damage they do because they have no money and figure their parents will pay for the damages. Then the people who thought it was safe to let their children stay alone, yet come home to find that they are being sued by parents whose children were taken to the hospital for drug overdoses and alcohol poisoning. That will not happen at my apartment.

Christian and Elliott finally show up with keys to my car that is parked where I can see it. My parents okayed it and it is a small convertible that seats five people. Christian did get it in my favorite color, pink and the interior is red leather. Elliott told me that they had to have it customized after delivery and that was exactly what they did. The seats have little pink hearts in the head rests. Those are the speaker systems. The plates and insurance are already paid for. I hug and kiss them both and see the plate on the car. Mia's Baby #1 it is a joke about me not wanting children ever. I got all kinds of gifts and a few gifts with gift receipts. The only one I liked is the one Anastasia bought me. A set of expensive chefs knives. Ones I have wanted but no one ever got me. She listened to me and found these knives and I had tried to find them. It has the name of the place and a catalog of their items if I wanted to exchange them.

I look at the chefs knives and how Mia has made sure they are safe and where someone is keeping an eye on them. Mom and dad got her clothing from her favorite place and a gift receipt in case she wants to exchange them for something else. Elliott and I definitely got her what she really wanted a car. A car in her favorite color. The seats were red leather with pink hearts because it was better leather for the interior than the pink. I ask her who bought them for her and she tells me Anastasia Steele bought them for her. My new neighbor the teenager with the young son. Well he is actually her brother, she just adopted him. I thought she was here and I wondered how Mia met her, because they don't attend school together. Anastasia is in college and Mia has completed her sophomore year in high school.

I watch as Christian checks out his newest neighbor and tease him about her being a minor. He just laughs at me and says he wondered how Mia met her, but he then thinks she must have bumped into her on her many trips to pick up her mail. The mail she doesn't want mm and dad to see. I don't mind the glares he gives me because I am used to them by now. Lily and her sidekicks are headed our way. I get a kick out of them and just watch as they drool all over me and Christian. Kate is the only one not drooling over us. She is however asking Anastasia a ton of questions and she isn't happy with the answers. Finally the cake is served with ice cream. We sing happy birthday to Mia. A lot of photos are being taken, I noticed that Anastasia has disappeared from the area and is watching from a distance.

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