A Nanny Or A Manny?

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Gail Taylor gave me ten good choices for Ray Jrs. Caretakers and they are all good, but I need to see how they act around Ray jr. So I am interviewing them at my apartment and each were all very good, but only four were acceptable to Ray jr. So those were the four I hired they will be on rotation and emergency on call. Two are live in and the other two can't, but that is okay. That saves me from paying them full wages. They do get paid for their on call hours when they are pulled in to care for Ray jr. Otherwise they are paid the minimum for holding the hours they are on call. Brad Anderson and Julie Stewart are both live in and Colin Davis and Elsie Newman are on call. They all signed NDA's and contracts for at least three months.

I am glad that I got the position and I thanked Gail for recommending me for the live in position. It helps a great deal. I moved in after getting introduced to John Smith and her security teams and they got me a box for my mail and introduced me to the person on the front desk. Julie Stewart was also guided through everything and introduced to John as well. She is the other caregiver of Ray jr. She will be also living in the staff quarters.

Gail Taylor is such a sweetheart and she recommended me for this job after we met at another family's home when she visited the other housekeeper there. I took care of five children and I was just one person. They had to let me go when both lost their jobs. So did the housekeepers and Gail helped them find other jobs. Getting her recommendations is like platinum. She works for Christian Grey and you hang to be spectacular and have a pristine work history and criminal record must be clean. I get my things from my car and I have help from miss Steele's security. He leads me to the lobby and then we get things completed and head to the staff entrance where I am helped to decide what bedroom I want. The furniture is nice and comfortable. A tv in the common room and a nice kitchen. I am asked to check the food supplies and make a list of foods that I might like and it will be retrieved shortly. Brad walks in and his things are being taken to another bedroom and we are checking the kitchen out to see what might be needed or wanted. Apparently neither of us can cook, but we can microwave. Miss Steele will make food and we can microwave it for Ray jr. She showed us the frozen meals she created and the minutes it takes to microwave it.

My shift started the next morning after we all got settled in and we're given the codes and shown the safe rooms and the gun safes. I would never had known about them had they not been shown to us. Ray Jr is a handful and he is very smart as well. Miss Steele has us on a schedule where we work two weeks on days and two weeks on nights. She explained in detail that both her and Ray jr had nightmares and why. Apparently the week her parents were killed something happened to them, but she was able to save herself and Ray jr. They never caught the person or persons who were behind it. Luckily she had her gun ready and loaded and she shot more then one of the assailants. So both of them have nightmares and she wants us to know that fact. We need to take certain steps for Ray jr, but we need to let her wake from her nightmares naturally.  Ray Jr we need to pick him up and cuddle him under his security blanket that sits on his rocking chair in his room.

I am glad that I got the first choice of rooms. It is nicer than the others and has a few extra features than the other bedrooms. There is a fenced in patio off the living room and one off my bedroom. The main apartment has a patio the full length of that side of the building. It has playground space and an amazing grille area and it is safe for all children. Her apartment is built with children in mind and has safe rooms all around us. It has all kinds of security features and we were taught what we need to know to keep ourselves and Ray jr. safe at all times. We aren't allowed overnight guests or guests in her home at all. Another security issue that she doesn't want to deal with. Ray jr has his own CPO that will go with us if we need to go anywhere. He or she will be there at the apartment in the security office watching everything.

CPO Arthur Lewis
I watch as Julie and Brad get things moved in with the help of security. They both look like they stay physically fit and I sure hope they are trained in self defense because they might just need it. If they have lied about it we will soon find out. Miss Steele wants to test them out with a drill of sorts. So we set up two scenarios one with Julie and the other with Brad. It will be in the gym in the basement. Each will be called to the gym and we have made sure the gym is empty except for one of them and our attacker. Luckily it doesn't take long to find out that neither had lied and they were sent back to the apartment to rest up. I thank our friends and help them out to get in their car and go home. Luckily they had no serious injuries. Next is their abilities to shoot a gun if they need to. Each has a carry conceal license and their own weapons. At some point they may have to use a gun and carry it on themselves as well. So we have an appointment set up at a gun range. Each can shoot but still need to practice shooting regularly. So I insist they use the membership to hone up on their shooting skills.

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