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When we finally sat Mia down to inform her about Leila and showed proof of her stalking me and trying to get in good with Anastasia before they even met she started telling us various things that she thought was very strange. I can't believe that Mia failed to see the danger Leila was to all of us because of her obsession with me. Leila's parents were contacted first and they agreed to have her go see a psychiatrist. Dad thought it would be best to go that route and I decided to put coverts on Leila. Anastasia has upped her security staff because of Leila being unstable. I told her to send me the bills. She is carrying her gun and her stun gun. Her nannies and mannies are aware of Leila already and they have taken precautions against her.

Shawn Williams
I couldn't believe the evidence in front of me regarding my teenage daughters stalking and her obsession with Christian Grey. Videos of her trying to gain access to the ground floor apartment so she could get inside and find her way up to his penthouse apartment. Carrick and Christian Grey were adamant about us getting her psychiatric help and immediately. I decided to go into her locked bedroom after they left and I was shocked at what I found. No wonder she never allowed anyone in her room and she kept it tidy and except for all the photos of Christian Grey and her in his arms, of course they were photoshopped. I grab my camera and start taking photos of everything and I am going to get her committed with all the evidence I have.

Denise Williams
Shawn and I had a long talk and we decided to have Leila committed and it didn't go over very well. We had to move on this very quickly. There was way too much evidence that she has been stalking Christian Grey and now is trying to get into his building and then into his penthouse. She actually found a way to get the designers plans to the building and found a way to do just that. We were able to get her committed within a week of finding out she was doing all this and she was being followed by covert security paid by Christian Grey. I hate knowing she has been doing this for three years without us knowing that she was doing this and we aren't allowing her to lock her door again. My husband took the lock off the door to assure she couldn't hide anything like this again.

I arrive home to find that my parents are waiting for me and they have company and they have my suitcase packed. I am asked for my keys to my ca r, the house, my phone and my passwords to my computers, iPhone, iPad and anything else I have. I write them down after realizing my parents are serious. They have typed in the passwords and are changing 5hem as I watch and then they open up files and ask for the passwords for those files as well. I watch in horror as they find my private photos that I have of Christian Grey. When I stayed at the Grey house I would sneak in and get photos of Christian naked. I was able to unlock his door easily. I am definitely going to try to get my parents to change their minds. But I see Mr Carrick Grey and my parents are giving me a choice of going to jail or going into a psychiatric facility. I can either go voluntarily or they will sedate me and put me in a straight jacket. I try to run, but I am cornered and they catch me and soon I am in a straight jacket and on a gurney going to my new home.

It was hard to watch, but it was hard to look at her bedroom wall and her her wall behind her clothing in her closet. Not to mention her hope chest. Sadly we have to catalog all of it so we have evidence. Her parents signed a release so we could gather all the evidence and we will be keeping it all in sealed evidence tubs. Christian sent me help that he hired to assure everything was collected correctly. Denise was traumatized by all of this, Shawn said he thought she was acting strangely for a while. She never missed any school and had excellent grades, but her only friends were Mia, Lily, Gia and she was trying to become friends with Anastasia, but she was upset about not getting an invitation to see her apartment. He recalled her being angry about it and was planning a way to break into the apartment. Shawn told her she better not and she nodded her head at him like she agreed not to and he let it go, but decided he needed to keep an eye on her. I thank them and leave and the team finally wrapped things up.

I just can't believe my daughter has lost her mind. We are going to sign all the paperwork at the psychiatric hospital. We have to commit our daughter and it is very sad. We can't see her for now and they will do a 72 hour hold to evaluate her and after that they can determine whether she is mentally stable to stand trial or not. I don't want her to go to jail, but I would prefer her be in the psychiatric hospital in the end.

We get through everything and I take Denise home and take care of her and soothe her. There is not much to do but hold each other. At least this time we caught it, well someone else brought it to our attention that yet another child of ours inherited my families mental illness. Shawn jr committed suicide after he found out the girl he was stalking got married. We had no idea he was doing that until after he was found in his apartment surrounded by photoshopped pictures of him with the girl.

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