A New Adventure

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I decided to get hold of the attorney to gain access to the assets of Elena Lincoln. I now have proof that she was the one who had my parents killed and I am going to bankrupt her, if she isn't already. I am checking and John has sent me some information and we have found other assets that no one has ever found. I have found out she was going to escape from the US and her assets were never fully recovered. I start going through the files and there it is, she had over a billion dollars and I have found it. Now I have finally gotten access to it. I will not be greedy here. I check what she actually took from my parents and I have John handle the rest of the money and he will definitely get it to the other victims.

I have transferred half the money to Anastasia and three deeds to Seattle properties to her as well. These were her parents assets that were missing in their assets listing with the first attorney. So it is back where it should be and that is with Anastasia and Ray Jr., I knew that she would want to retrieve what Elena took, she just hasn't been able to find it yet. She definitely doesn't talk about her personal life to anyone and that is why she has been safe. I know it is hard to do but she has to do it. She definitely has inherited both her parents abilities and if we thought she would become a black ops we would try to get her to. But she is adamant about raising Ray jr. to assure he stays alive to become a happy healthy adult.

I and Julie are going to be watching Ray Jr. while Miss Steele has an errand that will take her a2ay for several days and the other two are going to be arriving to handle emergency hours. We only have a burner number for her while she is gone. John Smith is going to be staying in the apartment until she comes back. We never saw her leave the apartment or what she took with her. She left for a week and came back looking very different from what she looked like when she left. I saw medical supplies in her luggage and she was limping when she arrived home. John had someone come in and stay with her until she came out after a week and she started cooking for Ray Jr. and herself and the nurse was there to assist her with everything. John told us to not ask questions of our employer. We are paid very well to do a job and we aren't doing anything illegal and neither is our employer.

Seattle Nooz
Recent reports of Elena Lincoln's death are not rumors. What is shocking is that billions of dollars have been found in accounts linked to her name and her companies that were found just shortly before her death. People are investigating her death, but they are listed as natural causes due to infections from injuries. Where are the billions now and who has them?

I am just doing my job here and Brad is stirring up things and I don't want to lose this job. It is a pretty good job and our employer has certain expectations of us and Brad has crossed lines. Going up to the penthouse with Miss Steele and Mia, taking Ray Jr. so he could see it. I know he has a thing for Mia, but he is crossing a line and he is six years older than she is in age. Colin and Elsie were brought in to assure Ray Jr. was well taken care of. Security has been very tight since Miss Steele has been gone and once she got back.

We were made aware that we were going to be needed to stay at the apartment with Ray Jr. and we would have tight security on us during Miss Steele's absence and we packed for a month just in case. Security was indeed very tight. Ray Jr. wasn't allowed out of the apartment until further notice and we had to entertain him. Elsie was the only one who could entertain him to the point of distraction.

I got Ray Jr.  to play hide from the bad guys and he was good at hiding from the bad guys. I was hired for numerous reasons and one is because I know how to handle children who are in danger and need to be kept inside until the danger is gone. This was one of those cases. Gail, Jason and John knew this about me without seeing it on my application. I know not to discuss my employers business even with fellow employees because it is none of our business. We are here for the child and to assure he is happy, fed, taught, protected and well cared for and loved. Brad has been too nosy about things.

I take Brad into the se unity office and have him read his contract over and point out his infractions and tell him to correct his mistakes immediately or he might need a job where he doesn't have to follow these strict guidelines. Anastasia doesn't like firing people, but Brad has crossed too many lines in her book and as far as the other childcare workers are are concerned. So I am giving him a week to fix these issues or her can leave immediately if he doesn't think he can.

I can't believe I am getting the ship up or ship out speech and told I can either leave now or show everyone that I can turn my behavior around in a week or choose to leave right now. I decide to stay and go by the contract I signed and keep my job. I am going to try to follow the contract.

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