Good Foods

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Mom and dad have decided to look into culinary schools for me after seeing how happy I was about the set of knives Anastasia bought me for my birthday. They told me that Leila needed to be hospitalized and that she will not be seeing anyone at all. They told me they have restraining orders against her and that she was a danger to herself and others. The restraining orders include Anastasia and Ray Jr. My parents didn't want to go into things, but I am to be more cautious about having friends over and to choose better ones. They said that Leila violated Christian's privacy and took photos of him in his bedroom while she stayed overnight at our home. I know he sleeps in the nude so that explains a lot.

Carrick and I have a long talk about Mia's friends and think that the only one who might be a good influence is Anastasia. She definitely impressed us at the birthday party when she handled all Mia's childhood friends who can be quite overbearing at times. We also noticed that she got a gift that Mia was thrilled to get. They haven't known each other long yet she chose the perfect gift for Mia. I think her friends started out being friends with her because she is a good person and that changed in their teens to being friends with her because of her last name and now because of her good looking brothers who are wealthy and getting wealthier. I am sure that Anastasia is friends with her because she likes her.

I am still skeptical of Mia's choice of friends, but Anastasia has been a good influence on Mia. I thought at first she gave birth to her son, but Christian cleared that up quite easily. She actually adopted her own brother and became emancipated to get it done. Mia has told me a few things and the fact that her security system is amazing. Mia has been told she can't bring her friends into Anastasia's apartment by Anastasia herself. She found Kate was trying to get information from people about Anastasia but couldn't.

Mia wants to invite Anastasia to my apartment to see the kitchen Gail designed and I finally asked Gail if she would mind if they checked it out. They finally showed up after an hour and brought Ray Jr and the manny Brad. Gail was thrilled to meet Ray Jr. My apartment is not child friendly at all. Bad definitely had him under control and kept him from getting into things. Anastasia was keeping an eye on him as well. They started looking around the kitchen while Brad entertained Ray jr in the entertainment area. They put a few children's movies on and it kept him occupied. Brad brought him out and he was asleep so he took him back to the apartment to put to bed.

I am not sure why I am here or why Brad insisted on coming with us to see this kitchen bringing Ray Jr. with him. I hope it is only because he has a crush on Mia. I can't have him bringing Ray Jr. with me since I am paying him to take care of him. I wasn't happy, but I allowed it and will speak to him later in regards to kind of thing. I know that Christian was not happy about Brad bringing Ray Jr. and even though he wasn't he made sure that Ray Jr. was entertained. We enjoyed seeing the kitchen and everything that Gail had them do to it. It was amazing and I thought about doing a few of the same things when Ray Jr. got older. He is about to turn three and I am about to turn 17. My parents won't be here for these birthdays.

I love showing off the kitchen and I finally get to show Anastasia my kitchen and everything I had put in it. I think that Brad has a thing for Mia.  Until Anastasia and Christian insisted he be taken to watch movies Brad was checking Mia out. Christian definitely noticed it, she s just 17 years old and Brad is 23 like Christian will be soon. I think Anastasia has a handle on this situation and so do I. I will be having a talk to Brad when Anastasia isn't around. We decide to cook supper for everyone and things go very smoothly and soon the table is set and food is being passed around.

We never do this, but here we are all eating together in the dining room passing food to one another like a big family. Even the guys in the security five were given food and enjoyed it as well. Everyone had fun even Christian. After what they found at Leila's house under her bed and in her closet he hoped she hadn't put his naked photos n line on on her computers either. Barney his head It was going through everything now.

I drop in and see everyone eating at Christian's huge dining room table. I invite myself and Gail finds me a place setting and something to drink. The food is great. Mia, Anastasia and Gail all made this feast. Even the great beverages that tasted very yummy. I am hearing my brother laugh and enjoy himself after everything he has went through lately. First Elena and then Leila. Both are out of his life, well for now. Leila might get out sooner than we thought, but they are trying to keep her in the hospital for now. I hear a phone ring and Anastasia looks at her phone and excuses herself to go back to her apartment for an emergency. She doesn't explain any further. She goes to the elevator but security has to enter the code to allow her to leave.

I just can't believe this, but I am calling John and he tells me that somehow they found out that Elena Lincoln was behind my parents deaths. Since she is no longer a danger to anyone at all. A witness said that she hired someone to kill them. Now I know why she suddenly started harassing me.

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