A Surprise Visitor

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I just walked into the lobby to get my mail and Ray Jr was not wanting to stay in the stroller, so he threw a tantrum. I finally got him to calm down by giving him a toy from his bag we carry for him when he needs changed. I get to my door and unlock it and go inside and lock my door. I set Ray jr free to go play with his toys and I put the stroller inside the coat closet by the from door. I am just going to take out food to cook for supper when the doorbell rings, I check the camera and see who it is. I see a girl about my age standing outside the door, I ask who she is looking for and she just tells me who she is and that I dropped an envelope and she decided to bring it to me, rather than give it to guy at the desk since my apartment was the address on it.

Mia Grey
I just happened to stop and pick up mail that I have sent to Christian's penthouse rather than my parents house. They hold it for me at the front desk. I notice a young girl about my age trying to calm a young boy in a stroller, this is a first for me to see someone my age getting her mail here and with a young child. She drops a letter, but before I realize it she has left and I have picked up her bill from the nearby college. I decide to take it to her directly because these guys at the desk don't always give you your mail in a timely manner if it isn't in your box. So I go to her apartment since it is on the ground floor and it is easy for me to do it. So I ring her bell and she asks me who I am and who I am looking for? I look up and there is an odd looking camera that seems to have taken a photo of me as I look into it. It was like a camera shutter going off and then it moves like it is scanning me or something. I then realized it was scanning me and scanning me for a weapon. It then stops and I hear the door being unlocked and she introduces herself to me. I see her checking something with my picture on it and my name. She smiles and tells me that a young woman can't be too safe these days. Then she tells me that Mrs Lincoln insured that she be more cautious and she was right and friends helped her get state of the art safety gadgets before they hit the market. Christian would love that device she has. She allows me entry and tells me she is starting supper for her and her brother. She has me follow her into her kitchen, but she sees her brother is asleep on his teddy bear and places a blanket over him and we walk towards the kitchen. He was in what looks like a play area a large one set aside in the living area. I have the mail in my hand and ready to give it to her, explaining that she disappeared before I could get it to her.

Mia hands me the mail and it is indeed important and I have been waiting for it for over a week. I thank her and asks if she wants a drink and she accepts it. I asks if she would like to help me cook supper and stay for supper? It was my being polite, but I also know she is the sister of the owner of the building who has definitely been helpful with recent events concerning mrs Lincoln, granted she was stalking him and I became a target because she thought I was trying to steal him from her. He is a bit too old for me and at 16 I have other things on my plate that need sorting out before I can even think of romantic entanglements. Mia is cutting up vegetables like a chef would. I watch in amazement and recommend she go to culinary school. She tells me she has hopes to train in Paris. I am guessing that she gets her wish after all her brother is headed to becoming a billionaire according to business projections. The papers do like to write about him a lot. We finally get the food on the table as Ray Jr wakes up and heads to the restroom and finally makes his way to his high chair. I make sure he is in it and put his bib on and hand him his food and his eating utensils and his napkin. His sippy cup is full and he is a happy camper, until he sees Mia and he gets scared. She talks to him and he settles down and starts eating his food. Mia asks me all kinds of questions and some I answer, but others are a bit too intrusive and I tell her just that. She likes to dress in expensive clothing, I like to save my money and buy at thrift stores and less expensive places. She played with Ray jr while I washed and dried the dishes and put them away. I needed to bathe Ray jr and didn't think it appropriate to do it in front of Mia and person I barely knew. I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't want her around for his bedtime. She finally got the hint and asked if she could come by again. Told her to call me before arriving next time. I gave her my cell number and she gave me hers. My days are pretty full and I need to hire and nanny for Ray jr while I go to classes. I explain this to her and she recommends that I talk to Gail her brothers housekeeper who would definitely know the good ones in Seattle.

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