Strange Stranger

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I came by to see if I could access Christian's penthouse, but notice a petite brunette in the lobby getting mail from not just one but two boxes. I have never seen her here before today. So I go ask the desk clerk and he is on the phone and asks me to wait a moment and I turn around and the girl has left the lobby. I try my hardest to get the information from the desk clerk and I am asked to leave the building after I threatened to have him fired. So I leave the building but wait and watch for Christian to arrive. A cop tells me to move my car or get arrested and it will be towed. Apparently the desk clerk called the cops. There are other ways to find out who that girl was. Christian has a thing for brunettes from what I see in photos of his many lady friends.

Sawyer alerted Jason that mrs Lincoln was in the lobby and was there when Miss Steele came in to get her mail. He told the clerk not to give her any information about anyone in the building. I am thankful for that, but we need to keep her out of the building completely. I can't believe she found where I am living. She must have been following me. She is one sick human being, we can't prove anything but we are pretty sure she has been behind certain disappearances of young people in the area. After she got me drunk and Elliott came and got me and I think he rescued me from her. She hadn't done anything to me, so I couldn't prove much. I just never took any drinks from her again. We couldn't prove she had spiked the drinks so we just stayed far away from her. My parents have never liked her after the suspicious death of her husband Richard Lincoln and she took over his shipping companies. There are rumors, but not actual proof that she is transporting illegal goods of all kinds through the shipping companies. She was at a home of a friend of mine and Elliott's supposedly watching over everything. My parents found out after Elliott tried to get us back into the house. It had been the first time either of us had had alcohol of any kind. Elliott stopped as soon as he tasted it and went to find me and got me out of there. We could no longer go back to the friends house again.

I get hold of Anastasia and tell her that I am having a security team come and stay her apartment in the staff quarters. Plus I have some people following mrs Lincoln and I have already set up cameras in the lobby and around the apartment building and parking garage and her apartment and patio. She never questions my reasons, but she asks me if she needs to be armed at all times? I tell her it would be a good idea considering what is missing from mrs Lincoln's background checks. She said when she pulled her up a lot of things didn't add up. My teams are already in place and following mrs Lincoln around, boy does she have a thing for Christian Grey. We already have background checks on the Grey family and they are impressive. I send two women and two men and two mannies her way. I let her know that they are arriving soon. I send photos, and background checks ages and who they are. They arrive within the hour and lucky she has the whole ground floor and it has ten staff quarters with private entrance and kitchen and living room areas for them. The security office is set between both entrances, people have to pass by there to get access to the rest of the apartment. Living rooms next and then the kitchen and bathrooms and the bedrooms then panic rooms are built in around the whole apartment. Grey had this place built and assumed he would need all these things and they are in every single apartment. There is not telling what else he has done here. Anastasia is a genius in IT anything and has already upgraded her security systems and added extra software protections to her system and built it in and sent me the links to tie us all together if needed.

I am not going to be scared of a geriatric blonde bimbo gold digger because I can just trip her off those heels and watch as she breaks a hip, if she comes at me. I see her watching the building and the car she is driving. She has two teen boys in her car with her and they get out and go into the lobby, I capture their images and send the link to John. I get a call from the desk and they say that I have visitors and they have a delivery for me. I inform the desk to throw them from the building and make sure to get their names and put them on the no access lists. I watch as he hands them back the boxes and tells them to leave before the cops are called. He tells me they didn't have my name at all. They just had boxes going to the apartment I live in. There was no telling what was in those boxes. I see John's guys follow the car they were in and soon hear sirens and the car is stopped and searched. I love that I have access to the cameras around the building. Elena is arrested along with the boys and her car is towed away after a through search of the boxes. I can't make out what was in the boxes, but the look on the policeman's faces tell me it was pretty bad. John calls me and tells me that they found more on mrs Lincoln and I am not to accept boxes from anywhere from now on.

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