A Big Wedding

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I have invited my friends to my wedding and Anastasia is my matron of honor, Andrea is a bridesmaid, Kate, Lily and Gia are bridesmaids as well. Brad asked Christian to be his best man, Elliott is one of the groomsmen along with Barney Miller and Scott Davis and Charles Lindsey. I have met Barney when he set up all our computers in my new building. He brought Scott and Charles with him as well. Brad works with all three of them. All are computer nerds, but looking at them today you could believe they are. It took a lot of planning to get this wedding together and I had to fire two wedding planners prior to the one who has done what I wanted and not something they wanted to showcase at my wedding. I had to continually remind the two it is my wedding and what I want is the only thing that matters. Each showed me what they visioned for the sister of a billionaire. I reminded them that he isn't spending a billion dollars on my wedding, nor would I let him. I gave them a budget and they just didn't get it through their heads that my budget, my wedding, my choices and my door for them to walk out of and lose my business. A billion dollar wedding gee whiz, just want a beautiful wedding of my dreams not their dreams. They were going to make mega bucks, but they wanted to make multimillions on my wedding. My wedding was not cheap, but it didn't hit the million dollar range. I priced things out and found out I was being overcharged by both of the original wedding planners. What surprised me is that Kate's mother stepped up and not only planned the wedding of my dreams she also made all the wedding attire for the wedding party along with mom and dads attire. Brad invited friends to the wedding since he no family left.

I love that Mia and I are finally getting married, she turned 21 and has really grown up from when we met when she was 16. We were allowed to date after she turned 17 and my asking her parents. I definitely asked her parents blessing to marry her. Luckily they said yes and we are more comfortable around each other now. More money was spent on security and the catering than the actual dresses and suits. Mrs Kavanagh knows her stuff and we used Mia's catering company for the reception and the wedding cakes. Flowers were a little expensive but that was fine, they looked great. The invitations were perfect and very classy. We had to fire two wedding planners because they wanted to go over the budget and thought they would bully Mia and I into what they wanted for us. When they threw the fact that Mia had two brothers who were billionaires and they could help create the grand wedding Mia deserved. We told them, that they weren't listening to our needs and wants and the budget was not going to change. Luckily these were them just showing us what they could do and each time they were going over our budget by a million dollars. Enid Kavanagh offered her help after Kate told her what was going on. So now Enid is getting her own office in Mia's building to help get her started on a new career path. We allowed her to use our wedding photos and our names to bring in more business. She was placed in a very good spot next to the cake designers and the catering company. Mia gave up that space for Enid.

I love this tux that Enid designed for the men in the wedding. They are very comfortable and stylish as well. I have to say Enid did a great job on everything. The kids were within their budget for the wedding and they let her use photos of the wedding to bring in more business. Both her children are grown, so she wanted to start her own business and Mia helped her by setting her up in her building to get started. The space was originally earmarked for Mia. The wedding was great and it didn't cost a billion dollars like the first two wedding planners were trying to force feed Mia and Brad. It was obvious the couple didn't like anything they suggested and I am glad they went with Enid.

The wedding was so beautiful and exactly what Mia wanted. Enid did an amazing job of everything. We got business cards and passed them out if we were asked who did the wedding planning. Most asked the wait staff and got the information. Enid of course was invited to the wedding since she needed to be there to assure everything went smoothly. She brought her son Ethan and he asked Gia and Lily out on dates, they both said yes. I kept myself busy with other things because it wasn't my business that he is a player. Plus both those girls do the same thing, so I think no matter what I said to them they would go out with him anyway.

Mia was very happy with the wedding and the clothes were great, the suits are very comfortable and I was glad that she didn't ask me for money for the wedding. I found out she never needed it, Brad is wealthy in his own right, he just decided he wanted to work for his money. She married a good guy, just a bit nosy and outspoken, but a good guy. He helped her to create her business by being a food tester. I guess a lot of us did as well. The chefs knives really kicked it into gear though. Anastasia allowed Mia into her apartment and listened to her. She encouraged her to follow her dream. Mia took me aside and told me the whole story and I am quite proud of Mia and Anastasia. The buildings she got from the Lincoln assets were put to great use. Mom is helping out the free clinic and dad is volunteering at the free legal clinic. It serves so many people daily. Not just weekdays. Lily and Gia are flirting away and I am walking a2ay from their flirting. Anastasia is making sure they don't touch me though. Security is stepping in with a question to get me far from their bright red talons.

I am watching as Kate is flirting with poor Barney. He has no idea what he is dealing with, but he will soon find out. Gia and Lily are flirting with everyone. I had security stay close to Christian to assure that when I am away from him he won't get bothered by predators.

The wedding was beautiful, but I am interested in getting my wife alone. Gia and Lily are hitting on anyone they can. I decided to stand by Christian and they seem to be getting escorted away from him. I do believe my sister in law set this up.

Anastasia had security chase Lily and Gia away from Christian so I sent him over to chat with Christian and it kept them from handling my husband. I knew they did are if the guy was married or not. We are going to go home soon. He built us a very nice home. Super sized furniture and everything.

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