Unwed Father

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I can't seem to get Kate to marry me, but she is allowing me to be with her every step of the pregnancy. She tells me that she doesn't want to get married because of one night. So I will only be put on the birth certificate as the father of the baby. I was an orphan who wasn't wanted to begin with. I started learning how to make money by creating and developing software and computers and I have patents. Christian found me at a very early age. I am the same age as Kate, but I was hired at 14 legally by GEH and I had become his guardian with the courts help. I rarely came out from my office in his home. I ran the servers from Escala and once I turned 18 I was allowed an apartment below him. I always looked odd so not many got in the elevator until Christian started getting me to clean up and start dressing for meeting young ladies. After a good haircut, shave, mani and pedi I was dressed in very nice suits, not over the top, but still nice. Gail stocked me up with good soaps, shampoos, and colognes. She also made sure I stayed fed. I graduated high school at 12 years old and the college at 14. From then on I worked on getting ,y degree in computer sciences and then programming courses and I learned to build computers and other technologies. My patents were making me money and I worked at GEH for a very limited number of hours. Christian made sure of it. Child labor laws. I have money to pay for everything and raise my son or daughter if need be, but I am making sure Kate gets everything she needs or wants. Within reason that is. Her family isn't thrilled with her decision not to marry me, so that is good. Christian is on my side in this, but he allows me to handle it the way I want to. I am talking to a family attorney that Carrick advised me to talk to. We need to get it in writing that the baby will have my name as the father on the birth certificate and my last name as well. Eamon is not a happy camper but he puts up with me. Enid is another matter entirely.

I don't know what to think about Barney wanting to marry me because of my pregnancy, but I turned him down. He wants to be here for me for the whole pregnancy. I agree to let him. He also wants his name as the father on the birth certificate and for our baby to have his last name. He has bought me a new car to drive safely to my appointments. Even though he meets me at dr Greene's office. Mia, Andrea, and Anastasia are all pregnant and go to dr Greene as well. Barney arrives and so does Anastasia and Christian shortly afterward and I am called into the doctors office. I am getting a sonogram today to see what I am having. This pregnancy is going fast and I have had to start wearing bigger clothing. Barney paid for everything and that was very nice. He is still trying to get me to marry him though. Barney has had me sign documents for shared custody and a will in case something happens to me that he will have our baby. Like if I die in childbirth.

Dr Greene
I am watching the monitor and miss Kavanagh is bigger than she should be at this stage. So we need to check her anyway. We start the exam as the expectant parents watch the screen and we find two boys hugging each other. They move around as the wand moves and we see that they are both boys. The heartbeats are pretty good, but there is something else going on and I need a better sonogram, one that gives better details. I make an appointment for them to go see another doctor for the other photos and tell them to relax until we find out what is going on for sure. I hand them the appointment card for the other doctor and they leave because I had them squeezed in and they need to go right upstairs to have it done. There was a mass behind the boys and it looks bad. She will need to see a specialist if it is what I think it is.

We are brought in to the doctors office and she looks like she is crying, but she soon recovers and says it is allergies. I have seen her cry like this before and it after giving a young couple bad news about their unborn baby. It had died and she had to schedule a time to bring on labor so they could deliver the dead baby. The couple were hysterical about it and they had to be sedated. It was their last chance at a baby. I am following dr Greene's instructions and soon we find out we are having a son.  Christian is thrilled and Ray Jr. will be thrilled at having a brother/ nephew. Christian is worried for Barney and Kate after seeing them upset and heading upstairs but he doesn't say much about it.

The look on Barney and Kate's face say something is wrong with the pregnancy and seeing dr Greene eyes and there was no doubt she was crying for some reason. Kate and Barney just left and took the elevator to another floor in the hospital. I am going to ask Barney what's going on and give him time off if he needs it.

Dr Ashley Watkins
I have a full schedule but dr Greene insisted that I look at this patient and I checked the sonograms various views and I spot it right away. I have them follow me and we get a better shot of the mass. I have blood drawn and send it to the lab for fast tracking. We need to try to get a biopsy of the mass and that means need to get a friend to come do the procedure. I pick up the phone and call Dr Colin Rogers to make the trip from Portland just for this case. I explain to the couple that another doctor is going to do a procedure to get a biopsy of the mass we discovered inside her womb.

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