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I don't think your family liked me. Elliott tells me that it will take time to get to know them and it is him that I should be worried about liking me and he loves me. I ask him about cooking with Mia and he tells me it is mostly her experimenting and learning to be a chef. There is no doubt that Anastasia doesn't like me, she made no bones about it when I tried to follow Mia into her apartment. She told me in no uncertain terms that her apartment is off limits to uninvited people. Elliott tells me even he and his parents aren't allowed inside it. He tells me that there are things he doesn't ask about and that is one of them. If I can't get them one way I will use New Years Eve fireworks to take them out.

I got the report back on Carol and apparently Belinda has a sister. One that was not born at a medical facility. It was a miracle that we found it at this point. Now we wait and watch her very closely. We were right not to let her in on the cooking and I went with my gut instinct. She just started getting on my nerves and I think even Christian was having issues with her asking for an invitation to his apartment. I forward the reports to Taylor and Christian and let them handle it. After all it is his brothers fiancé. I am going to make sure that we work together on this. She definitely has access to explosives. My gut definitely was working this time. We need to dig a lot deeper and see if there are other children coming out of the woodwork. Carol Spicer has had coverts on her since she tried to gain entry into my apartment. Elliott was only allowed entry because he was going to do work for me on both apartments and we made them aware that surveillance cameras were everywhere. All his men were checked out and had been with him since he started his construction company. We had to have the Grey family in on what we perceive a danger to all of us.

I am very livid about what I am being shown and why. I sit and listen and then watch my now fiancé at my construction company before we supposedly met each other. We had a break in and explosives were stolen. We never found out who it was because the surveillance cameras failed that week and we couldn't get them working again until recently. But the timing of this is odd and with Elsie not being the real Elsie, but Belinda daughter of Elena Lincoln. Each have different last names. I look and see the similarities to Belinda and Carol and then I see a photo of Elena by both photos and the hair is the same blonde and eyes are blue, but the face is shaped differently. I am going to be sick, but my thoughts go to where are those explosives and did Carol take them? John Smith, Jason Taylor and a guy by the name of Welch are sitting in the meeting with me, my parents, my family members and Anastasia and her staff. I tell them what I know and don't know about Carol. It was all fake, she set all this up. No wonder my family didn't like her, they saw through her. Christian takes me aside and tells me we will get through this as a family. I don't know how I can at this point, but she has planned n killing my family. So anger is what I feel now. Christian wants to have Welch go through anything that is at my home and he has people following her around the clock.

We are getting help with something regarding how to get a number of children Elena actually had. What we didn't expect was what happened next. James Collins was following Carol Spicer and she was grabbed by a blonde haired man and dragged to her car. We weren't able to get a good view of the man. Jason gave me an update on the children born to Elena and one of them turns out to be one of the victims they found. He has her blonde hair and blue eyes, none were raised by Elena. Richard Lincoln jr was raised by his paternal grandparents. The assailant fit the young man's description. I'm not sure what to do here, but witnesses had already called in the kidnapping so I am off the hook there. What happens next is something unexpected. A video of Carol Spicer being uploaded and she is admitting to everything. She is sitting beside the explosives she took from Grey Construction Company. She admitted to stealing them and her plans of killing everyone involved in her mothers imprisonment and her condition now. We hear a scoff at that last comment. Then a disguised voice saying that she created her own demise and deserves worse than what she got. The voice also said he was not going to sit by and watch Carol kill innocent people. Soon sirens are heard and the voice is gone and Carol is taken into custody by the cops. I don't think I am wrong but one of the cops looks like the guy who dragged Carol off. He turns off the camera and the feed goes black.

Carol actually asked me to bail her out and hire an attorney for her. I went to see her and confront her about her actions. I inform her that I know she set me up and stole the explosives from my company. She planned on killing my family and Anastasia and Ray Jr. Who is this woman I loved? She was a great actress but a horrible human being. I am sure by now she knows that I am not bailing her out or anything else, but I will testify against her. I pass a cop on the way out and he looks familiar to me. I don't see his badge though.

Richard Lincoln Jr.
I pass Elliott in the hallway after he just spoke to Carol. I walk inside the room where Carol is cuffed to the table and sit down across from her. I tell her that I am the brother she never met, even though she helped our mom keep me chained up for a long time. Neither recognized me and I was shocked. I was raised by my fathers parents after my mother killed my father. Three children and two turned out like 5heir mother even though they were raised by different people. My father made the mistake of marrying Elena and having children by her. I only found out about Belinda and Carol after my grandparents passed away. They knew their names and they had been having them watched after I was finally released from their clutches. So I found out about Carols plans and decided to stop her from doing anything to anyone again. Doing evil because they want revenge is wrong. Revenge is not good. Especially when the person deserved what she got. I definitely made sure mom would feel as helpless as her victims had.

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