All The Queens Men

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No one is taking my calls, I have had all my accounts frozen. All my safe deposit boxes have been searched and cataloged into evidence. That was the last piece of information that I was given by my paid attorney as he handed me his bill and the copy of the filings to get his money from my accounts. He isn't the only one either. My NDA's aren't worth the paper they are written on. Parents are suing on behalf of their children and relatives are suing on behalf of those who were sold. I am told that my offshore accounts have been emptied and put into a victims fund and will be distributed once they have the bulk of the victims coming forward. The news of my so called crimes are reported nearly daily and I am laying in the prison infirmary with a stab wound and I will be put into protective custody until after the trials. Where are my minions to get me out of this jam? They have been arrested and awaiting their trials, but most are out on bail. Several are in here with me and the ones who are male are in jail or n the run from the law. Several have committed suicide. The arresting cops found them. I am still in the infirmary when someone comes in and gives me a shot of something. Suddenly I can't move my body, but I can see everything and hear everything. The person who gave me the shot is long gone. I can't speak and can't use my hands to write. I hear a drug name and I see them taking blood work and they just shake there heads and tell me they can't reverse the effects of the drug at this point. I hear and see things but can't respond in anyway. It is like being gagged in a way, but worse. I watch as the other patients in here are doing things to me and I can't tell anyone about it. They are getting worse with their attacks because I have been taken to the hospital for emergency surgery several times. A new attorney has appealed to the courts to put me in another environment. Soon I wished I was back in the prison infirmary.

Jason has told me that his sources have told him that mrs Lincoln will never darken anyone's doors again. She can only see and hear things after someone drugged her in the prison infirmary. She is in another facility for long term care it is still a prison of sorts. At least she won't be hurting anyone else. Other patients in the prison infirmary were injuring her and did so without concern that she would end up in emergency surgery twice. An attorney got her transferred into long term care for prisons with health issues.

I am told that I can cross mrs Lincoln off my personal threats to me list. She apparently was given a drug that made her able to see and hear things. She will love like this the rest of her life and there is no reversing the effects of the drug. Someone really wants her to suffer. After everything I heard she deserves to suffer after what her victims were put through. She apparently needed emergency surgery from wounds inflicted by other prisoners in the infirmary.

This couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. I know that she is not feeling the pain, but she definitely is at the mercy of her caregivers. Her victims will always be in pain physically and mentally. Numerous of the victims were awarded monetary compensation from her assets and the assets of her accomplices. It still doesn't make up for the trauma. Plus there were suicides and deaths that ensued from her choice of career. She started this very early on and she definitely made sure she was able to get people in her pockets by keeping evidence of them being involved in her business and participating in it as well. I am just glad she isn't around to threaten Anastasia and Ray jr. I just hope it stays that way. We are already worried about their safety after the death of her parents. No one believes the story about the semi truck driver falling asleep at the wheel of his truck. He didn't have a scratch on him after jumping from the cab of the vehicle. That's just not possible.

I am glad that Elena is no longer able to stalk or threaten mr Grey or anyone else. She was a threat in more ways than one. She was behind a lot of threats Miss Steele and her brother were not the first one targeted because of she thought she was a threat to her so called perceived relationship with mr Grey. Even his sisters girl friends and any of his dates were threatened by mrs Lincoln in person and through the same kind of means she did Miss Steele. We couldn't prove any of it and what we could prove the evidence always disappeared. We went back through the numerous threats and we found the ones that fit in with her narrative and when the threats stopped. The warden put a stop to all mail incoming or outgoing mail. She got someone to send mail to us and Miss Steele and the Grey family and they found out how and who got them out for her. After her injury they thought it was the person who got the mail for her out, because they could no longer get mail or receive mail from that point on. They are suspected of drugging her as well.

After mrs Lincoln was drugged we no longer got threatening mail from her. We determined it was from her after having someone check it out thoroughly and it was not only her writing it was her wording and her sign off in the letters. We are resting easier now.

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