You're An Insomniac

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Requested by Jocelyn_Saw, thank you!


*He'd feel sorry for you, but he wouldn't change it.

*He'd let you cuddle Mewo to sleep, if that would help.

*You can sleep in White Space with him, anytime you need.

*Mari would be far more concerned than him.

Dream Kel

*Kel, in all his silliness, is certainly not helping.

*He's going to end up keeping you awake, intentionally or otherwise.

*Hero's going to scold him more times than you can count.

*He might end up feeling bad and leaving you be. Maybe.

Dream Aubrey

*She would feel bad for you, but she'd mostly be interested.

*You just can't sleep? Why not?

*If you're ever tired, she'll drag you away to the Neighbor's Bedroom for cuddles. You don't have a choice.

*Kel will annoy the both of you about it.

Dream Hero

*He'd understand, even if he can't relate.

*He'll try to find out if your insomnia is chronic, or if there's a separate cause for it.

*If there is a specific cause, not for long. You're stressed? He'll work to fix your problems with you. Poor sleeping environment? He'll trade beds.

*If Kel doesn't leave you alone, Hero will give him something to do to distract him.

Dream Basil

*He won't know what to do.

*What is he supposed to do? He can't just fix your sleep schedule!

*If you really need it, he'll offer to read you to sleep.

*He might end up asking Ye Old Sprout for help.


*Mother Mari time. Mom Mari. Momri.

*She knows that she can't force insomnia away, but she can still make you as comfortable as she can!

*Cuddles. So many cuddles.

*She'll make you food, if you'd like.


*"Sunny, I can't sleep."

"I can."



*He wouldn't be particularly empathetic towards you.

*Once again, Mari would worry more than him.

*Though, if you want something to cuddle to sleep, he is right there... Just saying-!


*He's been there too. Insomnia is a common symptom of... Well, whatever it is he has, he won't tell you.

*That doesn't mean he knows what he's doing, though.

*He'd play one of those "Binaural Beats for Sleep and Relaxation😌😍😴 [Ten Hour Loop]" videos that don't actually work.

*If it gets too bad, he'll offer to knock you out. You say no every time.


*"What am I supposed to do about it?"

*She'll feel bad for you, sure, but she wouldn't express it.

*It's not like she's worried about you or anything! You b-baka!!!

*If you want to do something late at night, she's perfectly fine with wandering Faraway Town at three in the morning with you.


*Yeah, he can relate.

*He suggests you use the extra hours of being awake for productivity.

*You're awake, why not study? You're not getting any sleep, anyways.

*He's no fun.


*He's perfectly fine with spending his night with you.

*He's the type to call you whenever he wakes up from a nightmare, so he might as well return the favor.

*He can try to relax you and play with your hair. It probably won't help, but he's trying.

*He's a bit scared of failing and disappointing you.

Captain Spaceboy

*Sleep medication for you.

*He'd get someone who knows what they're doing to give you something. He's a captain, not a doctor, he doesn't understand which medicines do what.

*If that doesn't work... Well, He's out of ideas.

*He'll ask around for anything that can help.


*She can not relate.

*She is not interrupting her beauty sleep to spend time with you. Sorry.

*"Get someone else to deal with this... I'm sleepy!"

*She might just get upset with you for asking.


*It doesn't exactly sleep, so it doesn't understand the problem.

*"You cannot sleep? Well, I can't either. What is the issue?"

*You actually need sleep. It'll understand this eventually.

*It has no idea what to do to help.

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