Overworking Yourself

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*He would beg you to take a break, but he'd attempt to be subtle about it.

*"Y/N. It would be really nice if we went on a trip to Otherworld. Please."

*If you refuse, he'd sigh and drop it.

*Silently annoyed Omori time.

Dream Kel

*He wouldn't even notice. Dream Kel isn't the sharpest bulb in the shed.

*He might realize that you're a bit upset, and ask about it.

*He can't relate, personally, so don't expect much empathy.

*"Y/N, are you okay?"


"Oh, okay!"

Dream Aubrey

*She would be a lot more persistent than the past two.

"Y/N, take a break! Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?"

*She'll offer cuddles, food, anything, if you just take care of yourself.

*She'll constantly bring you water if you refuse. She's still worried about you.

Dream Hero

*He'll know that you're overworked when he sees it.

*He isn't going to stop telling you to take a break. The more stubborn you are, the more he asks.

*He'll probably end up worrying more than you do.

*You're gonna give this poor man gray hairs at this rate.

Dream Basil

*He'd keep trying to distract you from whatever you're working on.

*"Hey, Y/N? L-Look at this flower I found! It's really pretty... R-right?"

*If that doesn't work, he'll just quietly ask you to "p-please take care of yourself..."

*He might end up feeling like you're trying to avoid him.


*You're taking a break. No, you don't get a say.

*You can spend some time at her picnic, to wind down.

*She'd be constantly trying to distract you, in any way she can think of.

*You're getting a lecture on how "it's important to take care of yourself!" from her.


*He'd also try to be subtle about wanting you to take a break.

*Expect him to stare at you quite a bit. He'd just trying to think of what to say.

*Like a cat, he won't stop poking you until he gets your attention.

*"Please. Y/N. You shouldn't push yourself so hard."


*He would be very loud about it.

*"Y/N! Let's go outside, c'mon!"

*He's not above annoying you into taking a break.

*His mom really wishes that he wouldn't bother you.


*She'd pretend not to care.

*Truth is, she does care. A lot. A lot.

*You spend so much time cooped up in the same spot! It reminds her of...

*...Well, nevermind.

*She'd eventually crack and drag you by the arm, away from whatever you're working on. Pay attention to her! Please!


*He relates, probably a bit too much.

*He'd let out a sigh, and gently scold you.

*"This really isn't healthy, Y/N. Go outside."

*If you listen, he'll make you something to eat as a reward of sorts.


*He would worry about you quite a bit.

*Why are you being so distant? What if you end up like Sunny?

*...Are you trying to avoid him?

*He'd be a bit over-emotional about it, while practically begging you to take care of yourself.

Captain Spaceboy

*He'd be more than a bit confused.

*Are you okay? You're neglecting yourself a bit...

*He'd try to talk to you about it.

*If you refuse to take a break, he'd be disappointed, but he wouldn't push any further.


*She'd demand that you take care of yourself.

*You can't say no to Sweetheart, of course.

*If you do... Well, she wouldn't send you to... THE DUNGEON... but she'd end up dragging you away by the ear.

*She'd be quite proud of herself for getting you to take a break, one way or another.


*It would catch on immediately.

*"Y/N, dulce meum, please stop. You're overexerting yourself."

*It's not mad, just disappointed.

*If you refuse, it'd just sigh and leave.

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