Letter 1 •Niall

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Uh, hi.. Ryan?

I don't really know how to, uh start these things... But I hope I'm doing this right... So hi, I guess.

Tbh this feels fucking weird.

I don't know how this is supposed to help me, but whatever.

My therapist told me that I should start writing letters to help express my emotions rather than just rebelling against my parents. I don't mean to disobey them, but it's like this little thing in my head just screams at me to do something every time I get upset.

I don't know.

Anyways, my therapist said that I should pick someone or something, real or not real, and just pretend like I'm writing to them/ it. Just express everything down onto a piece of paper. So I, uh, picked you... I guess.

I don't really know why I picked you? But, whatever. You seem pretty chill, and I like your face so..

Ok that was weird Niall.

But then again, it's not like you're going to ever read this so who cares...

I have 21 to do and I guess after this, just twenty more. Shouldn't be that hard...just feels weird is all.

Okay... Well. I'm done talking to a piece of paper now, but I'll get back to ya.

  How do I leave these things?

Do I just say see ya? Bye? Later?

I don't know, whatever.

Adios, Ryan.

- N

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